

chemical biology lab


Identification of small molecule binding protein is essential to understand its mode of action (MOA). Understanding MOA is the first step in drug development. Our group is looking for target proteins of natural products using photoaffinity based approach. Identification of natural products, particularly in food is main topic of our group.


Extracellular Vesicle(EV)s are nano sized vesicles secreted for cells with their informations. EVs can act as cell surrogates. Analysis of EVs could give their mother cell information. EVs in biofluids such as blood and urine have information of the cells in our body, which can be used for disease diagnosis of patients. We are developing new tools for EV Analysis for efficient and effective disease diagnosis.


Proteins are essential component for cells. 400,000 different proteins with distinct functions are working together for cell survivals. Elucidation of each protein functions are like drawing a blue print to understand how the cells work. Our group is interested in fluorescence bioprobe development to understand protein functions. We are interested in a specific protein reactive heterocycles for bioprobe development.




강원대학교 (학교)



박종민 jpark@kangwon.ac.kr

소속회원 0