


  • Design Strategy

    AnLstudio aims for the generalistic group which engaged in projects of all scales(architecture, urban design, interior) as well as whole process(from design to construction). The studio’s work specialize in the integration of architecture, public space, art installation, and spatial curation. To do so, we are keeping the format of studio as horizontal network, rather than the office as vertical hierarchy. This attitude is applied to all collaboration, even the client, and is the foundation to absorb various thoughts and culture. From past to present, from local to global, from ideal and reality, from individual to group, we are willing to investigate broad spectrum with all aspects and propose the better alternatives. 

    AnLstudio는 건축, 도시 인테리어와 같은 공간 디자인부터 시공(직접 제작하는 수작업 포함), 건축부터 건축물의 경계를 넘나드는 작업(설치미술, 리서치, 전시기획)에 참여하고 조율하며, 좀 더 넓은 범위를 아우를 수 있는 말랑말랑하고 제너럴리스틱한 그룹을 지향한다. 수직적인 조직이 되기 쉬운 사무소 형식보다 스튜디오라는 유연한 형식을 통해 수평적인 네트워크로 연결된 작업 방식을 추구한다. 이는 외부 전문가, 협업작가, 또는 클라이언트에게도 적용되며, 그들의 다양한 생각과 문화를 흡수하고 그것을 기반으로 새로운 가능성을 모색할 수 있다고 생각한다. 좁은 시야에 갇히지 않고 과거와 현재, 지역과 전체, 이상과 현실, 개인과 집단과 같은 21세기의 공간적 조건을 폭넓은 스펙트럼으로 탐구해, 다양한 규모의 삶과 도시 그리고 많은 정보를 해석해 대안을 제시하기 위함이다.

  • Design Philosohpy

    Various Spectra- We do not limit the scope of our work to hardware alone. To create environments familiar to us, we need to understand not just physical hardware but inherent tendencies and cultures. To approach tendencies steeped in inertia in various ways. Accordingly, we interpret existing things as snapshots of a continuous process, which in turn creates an ongoing process that respects this context. 1.Repetition (Efficiency vs variety) - In the battle between efficiency and variety, we maintain a stance of responding flexibly to diverse demand and rapid change. Rather than using optimized choices to converge on a single method, much of our work uses sporadic dispersion to embrace various and complex demands and conditions. At the many junctures of choice, we do not make simple conclusions  but experiment with unfamiliar software and hardware to obtain better ideas. 2.Progress (new vs re) - Though we do not deny the value of classical methodologies, we increase value and satisfaction by reconsidering uniform their application and by amending and re-applying methods and directions. New loops are created through the classicism of the past and the transformation of the present. We believe such suggestions extend beyond existing types to a new paradigm, and that diversely extended thought can transform our daily lives for the better, even in small ways. 3.Process (Result vs process) - Projects in which it has been hard to apply the conventional model answers due to a variety of circumstances have brought us new design opportunities. And in the process of finding alternatives to model answers, we benefited from cooperation between members with different experiences, offering a wider spectrum of interpretation and a variety of solutions. That's why process is more important than anything. When processes like these build up and provide wider spectra for new projects, our work can acquire continuity.




한양대학교 (학교)



안기현 ahnkee@hanyang.ac.kr

소속회원 0