A central theme of modern condensed matter physics is the study of topological quantum phases. These quantum-entangled phases such as topological insulators and quantum Hall states exhibit spectacular emergent phenomena such as metallic boundary modes and quantized responses. These topological phenomena are not only theorists' interest but also have a wide range of real-life applications such as quantum computations.
We are exploring the quantum physics of topological phases and strongly-correlated states of matter. Our research goals are (1) to make breakthroughs in our theoretical understandings of topological phases and (2) to discover novel forms of topological quantum states theoretically. At the same time, it is also important (3) to find experimentally-relevant platforms for these exotic phases.
Our main research 'target' systems are topological states of matter including topological insulators and superconductors, topological semimetals, and fractional quantum Hall systems. Other interests include strong spin-orbit coupled systems and electronic liquid crystalline states. Some of our recent research works have been on realizations of topological superconductors, geometric aspects of topological states, entanglement properties of quantum states, topological field theory, quantum anomalies, and quantum critical phenomena.
For those who are interested, here are a few nice review materials on Topological States of Matter:
[1] Hasan and Kane, Review of Modern Physics, 82, 3045 (2010)
[2] Senthil, Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics, 6, 299-324 (2015)
and please refer to the references therein.
If you would like to have a few books for the concrete starting points, I personally recommend:
[1] Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems, Xiao-Gang Wen
[2] Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics, Eduardo Fradkin
For the course works, I recommend: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theories, Statistical Mechanics, Many-Body Physics, Superconductivities etc.
About the papers that I am reading thesedays, find here: https://sites.google.com/site/paperstoreadgyc/
Fig. 1. How many electrons are in a grain of sands? Roughly, O(1023) electrons and we would like to treat them quantum mechanically.
- For graduate students who are interested in our group:
At first, reading the below, you may find yourself that you don't understand much, but it's okay. We will walk through the difficulties together and help each other to explore the physics of topological states; in fact, they are not as difficult to understand as they may seem to be. If you are interested in theoretical physics and want to have fun in graduate school, don't be scared, feel free to contact me and we can talk!
We are exploring the quantum physics of topological phases and strongly-correlated states of matter. Our research goals are (1) to make breakthroughs in our theoretical understandings of topological phases and (2) to discover novel forms of topological quantum states theoretically. At the same time, it is also important (3) to find experimentally-relevant platforms for these exotic phases.
Our main research 'target' systems are topological states of matter including topological insulators and superconductors, topological semimetals, and fractional quantum Hall systems. Other interests include strong spin-orbit coupled systems and electronic liquid crystalline states. Some of our recent research works have been on realizations of topological superconductors, geometric aspects of topological states, entanglement properties of quantum states, topological field theory, quantum anomalies, and quantum critical phenomena.
For those who are interested, here are a few nice review materials on Topological States of Matter:
[1] Hasan and Kane, Review of Modern Physics, 82, 3045 (2010)
[2] Senthil, Annual Reviews of Condensed Matter Physics, 6, 299-324 (2015)
and please refer to the references therein.
If you would like to have a few books for the concrete starting points, I personally recommend:
[1] Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems, Xiao-Gang Wen
[2] Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics, Eduardo Fradkin
For the course works, I recommend: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theories, Statistical Mechanics, Many-Body Physics, Superconductivities etc.
About the papers that I am reading thesedays, find here: https://sites.google.com/site/paperstoreadgyc/
Fig. 1. How many electrons are in a grain of sands? Roughly, O(1023) electrons and we would like to treat them quantum mechanically.
- For graduate students who are interested in our group:
At first, reading the below, you may find yourself that you don't understand much, but it's okay. We will walk through the difficulties together and help each other to explore the physics of topological states; in fact, they are not as difficult to understand as they may seem to be. If you are interested in theoretical physics and want to have fun in graduate school, don't be scared, feel free to contact me and we can talk!
포항공과대학교 (학교)
054-279-2097 https://sites.google.com/site/gilyoungchogroup/
조길영 gilyoungcho@postech.ac.kr