


Energy Conversion Systems

Energy Conversio System laboratory is operated by school of mechanical engineering. Laboratory supervisor is prof. Sangseok Yu who is specialized in transient heat and mass transfer, thermal system design, dynamic system design and simulation, and control system design and evaluation.

As of yet, energy system laboratory is achieved many research accomplishment in regime of fuel cell system which is from micro-scale reaction modeling to macro-scale system design and simulation.

The fuel cell system is a very interesting topic which is promising candidates for future gen power source. The energy system laboratory is working on the fuel cell system but the main idea is coming from mechanical engineering fundamemtals.

Currently, 8 projects are carrying out by excellent students professionals those are concentrated on the fuel cell related topic.

Now, energy system laboratory is seeking new innovative student researcher who is enthusiastic for renewable energy and fuel cell system.

If you would be a student professional in energy system laboratory, feel free to contact supervisor at sangseok@cnu.ac.kr




충남대학교 (학교)



유상석 sangseok@cnu.ac.kr

소속회원 0