

전기화학 실험실

Our research focus lies on

the development of new electrode and electrolyte materials for rechargeable lithium-ion and post-lithium (e.g. magnesium, sulfur) batteries. The electrochemical studies of thin film electrodes and electrode-electrolyte interfacial approach enable to provide a fundamental understanding of the electrochemical processes, surface/interfacial phenomena and ion diffusion kinetics, and improved charge-discharge cycling performance.

 the mechanistic studies of interfacial phenomena (solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation and stability) responsible for internal resistance and performance fade/enhancement occurring on all-solid-state batteries and lithium-ion and post-lithium rechargeable batteries, using surface sensitive tools of ex situ / in situ ATR FTIR, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, HRTEM, etc. Solutions to improve battery performance, cycle life and safety are proposed.

 the development of synthetic strategy and the controlled nanostructure of solid electrode and electrolyte materials utilizing soft-solution processing and electrochemical film deposition, and the studies of material property-performance relationship.

 Our advanced materials design and analysis strategies based on interdisciplinary researches contribute to improve a basic understanding of electrochemical and interfacial processes occurring in energy-storage electrochemical cells and to enhance the state of battery technologies by furthering the national/international goal of operation on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and post-lithium batteries.




충남대학교 (학교)



송승완 swsong@cnu.ac.kr

소속회원 0