Wireless Communications Laboratory (WICL) was founded in September 2015 by Professor Bang Chul Jung in the Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University. We carry out advanced research on various cutting-edge technologies in wireless communications, statistical signal processing, machine learning, and information theory. In general, we apply mathematical tools such as linear algebra, mathematical analysis, statistics and probability theory, optimization theory, and information theory to analyze performances of the developed technologies. Our research interests include 5G mobile communications, physical-layer security, mmWave communications, analog/digital/hybrid beamforming, compressed sensing, wireless localization, military communication systems, radar signal processing, spectrum sharing techniques, statistical machine learning, sparse Bayesian learning, interference management, spectrum engineering, etc.
WICL is led by Prof. Bang Chul Jung who is the recipient of IEEE Communication Society Asia-Pacific Young Research Award in 2010, Haedong Young Scholar Award from KICS in 2015. Prof. Jung was also the recipient of the Bronze Prize of Intel Student Paper Contest in 2005, the First Prize of KAIST’s Invention Idea Contest in 2008, the Bronze Prize of Samsung Humantech Paper Contest in 2009, and the Outstanding Paper Award in Spring Conference of Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering in 2015.