- 연구실 소개
Toward Beyond CMOS Technology, we seek to exploit and develop nanomaterials technologies for next generation electronic computation systems, advanced composites materials and energy harvesting applications. Ultimately, our research is aimed at developing low power electronic systems with sub-thermionically switching and ultra-durable ceramic composites. The materials in our research include layered transition metal dichalcogenides, organic molecules, hybrid materials and nanocrystals.
- 주된 연구 테마
Low Power Technology for Advanced Electronics
1.Building organic/inorganic hybrid structure using 2D semiconductors.
2.Defects engineering of semiconductor channels.
3.Contact engineering of interface at semiconductor/metal junctions.
4.Chemical/Physical treatments for enhancements of electornic devices.
- 진행 중인 프로젝트
Chemical treatments of transition metal dichalcogenides for interface/contact engineering – this work is collaborated with UCSD and SKKU
경상대학교 (학교)
055-772-1684 http://ceramic.gnu.ac.kr/ceramic/sub.do?mCode=MN0006
박준홍 yakte@gnu.ac.kr