Computational Transport and Reactor Physics Laboratory
Director : Professor, Ser Gi Hong ( )
Research Overview
Our laboratory has interests in the development and analysis of the numerical schemes for solving neutral particle
transport equation and multi-group neutron diffusion equation for analysis of nuclear reactor cores and their surroundings.
Also, our research includes development and analysis of innovative thermal and fast spectrum reactor cores such as PWR, SFR,
and LFR, criticality safety analysis for nuclear spent fuel storage and transportation casks with considering burnup credit, and
radiation shielding design and analysis.
Our research areas are as follows :
1. Development and theoretical analysis of new numerical
schemes for solving neutral particle transport equation and
multi-group diffusion equation including acceleration schemes
2. Multi-group library generation and resonance treatment
for nuclear reactor analysis
3. Development of computer program which can analyze
the neutral particle transport in unstructured geometries
(combination of CAD software and transport solver)
4. Conceptual design of advanced LWR reactor core for
deep-burning of LWR spent fuel TRU
5. Conceptual design of advanced fast spectrum
(sodium or lead cooled) reactor cores for burning of LWR spent
fuel TRU and for improving the utilization of uranium resources.
6. Design of innovative PWR and SMR cores with FCM and ATF fuels
7. Criticality safety analysis for PWR spent fuel storage facilities with
burnup credit
8. Program development for automatic analysis of the source-term of the spent fuel storage facilities
9. Study of recycling of PWR spent fuel TRU in advanced PWRs
Ongoing Projects
1. Study of Deep-Burning of TRU with LWR and Its Coupling Characteristics with Fast Spectrum Transmutation Reactor
2. Development and Maintenance of MUST (Multi-group Unstructured SN Transport) Code
3. Development of An Advanced Numerical Scheme for Multi-Group Neutral Particle Transport Analysis in Multi-Slab Structures
4. Conceptual Design of Future Commercial TRU Burner Cores
5. Design of SMR (Small Modular Reactor) with FCM fuels
6. Design of Advance SFR Burner Cores and Related Fuel Cycle Analysis for Maximizing TRU Burning
7. Design of PWR Cores with ATF Fuels
8. Development of Amores Code for Source Term Generation for Spent Fuels
9. Study of Recycling of PWR Spent Fuel TRU in Advanced PWR Cores
10. Conceptual Design of Innovative Ultra-Long-Life SFR Cores having Heterogeneous Fuel Assemblies
11. Development of A Computer Program for Nuclear Forensics
12. Design of Innovative SMR Cores with BISO Particle BP for Boron-Free and Low Boron Operation
13. Design and Analysis of Nuclear Battery Heat Source Unit for RTPV System