



1. Debabrata Maiti, Dong-Heon Lee, Katya Gaoutchenova, Christian Wurtele, Max C. Holthausen, Amy A. Narducci Sarjeant, Jorg Sundermeyer, Siegfried Schindler, Kenneth D. Karlin, "Reactions of a Copper(II) Superoxo Complex Lead to C-H and O-H Substrate Oxygenation: Modeling Copper-Monooxygenase C-H Hydroxylation", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2008, 47, 82-85.

2. Yunho Lee, Dong-Heon Lee, Amy A. Narducci Sarjeant, Kenneth D. Karlin, “Thiol-copper(I) and disulfide.dicopper(I) complex O2-reactivity leading to sulfonate.copper(II) complex or the formation of a cross-linked thioether.phenol product with phenol addition”, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2007, 101, 1845-2858.

3. Dong-Heon Lee, Lanying Q. Hatcher, Michael A. Vance, Ritimukta Sarangi, Ashley E. Milligan, Amy A. Narducci Sarjeant, Christopher D. Incarvito, Arnold L. Rheingold,| Keith O. Hodgson, Britt Hedman, Edward I. Solomon, and Kenneth D. Karlin, "Copper(I) Complex O2-Reactivity with a N3S Thioether Ligand: a Copper-Dioxygen Adduct Including Sulfur Ligation, Ligand Oxygenation, and Comparisons with All Nitrogen Ligand Analogues", IInorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46 (15), 2007 6056-6068.

4. Dong-Heon Lee, Narasimha N. Murthy, and Kenneth D. Karlin, "Copper.Dioxygen Reactivity Using Dinucleating Ligands with Activated Methylene or Ketone Function", Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2007, 80(4), 732-742.

5. Dong-Heon Lee, Biplab Mondal, and Kenneth D. Karlin, "Nitrogen Monoxide and Nitrous Oxide Binding and Reduction", in Activation of Small Molecules, W. B Tolman (Ed.), Wiley-VCH, 2006, pp 43-80.

6. Yunho Lee, Dong-Heon Lee, Amy A. Narducci Sarjeant, Lev N. Zakharov, Arnold L. Rheingold, and Kenneth D. Karlin, “Thioether Sulfur Oxygenation from O2 or H2O2 Reactivity of Copper Complexes with Tridentate N2S thioether Ligands”, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45(25), 10098 - 10107.

7. Lanying Q. Hatcher, Dong-Heon Lee, Michael A. Vance, Ashley E. Milligan, Ritimukta Sarangi, Keith O. Hodgson, Britt Hedman, Edward I. Solomon, and Kenneth D. Karlin, “Dioxygen Reactivity of a Copper(I) Complex with a N3S Thioether Chelate. Peroxo-Dicopper(II) Formation Including Sulfur-Ligation”, Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45(25), 10055 - 10057.

8. Heo SU, Rhee GH, Lee DH, Kim JH, Choi DS, Lee DW, “Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene Using Novel CuBr/Pyridine-2-Carboxamide Catalysts”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2006, Vol.12, No.2, 241-247.

9. Bo-Kyung Sung, Moo-Key Kim, Wang-Hyu Lee, Dong-Heon Lee and Hoi-Seon Lee, “Growth responses of Cassia obtusifolia toward human intestinal bacteria”, Fitoterapia, 2004, 75(5), 505-509.

10. Baldo Lucchese, Kristi J. Humphreys, Dong-Heon Lee, Christopher D. Incarvito, Roger D. Sommer, Arnold L. Rheingold, and Kenneth D. Karlin, “Mono-, Bi-, and Trinuclear CuII-Cl Containing Products Based on the Tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine Chelate Derived from Copper(I) Complex Dechlorination Reactions of Chloroform”, Inorg. Chem., 2004, 43(19), 5987 - 5998.

11. D.-H. Lee, B. Lucchese and K. D. Karlin, “Multimetal Oxidases”, Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry II, 2004, Volume 8, 437-457.

12. Eric Clot, Junyi Chen, Dong-Heon Lee, So Young Sung, Leah N. Appelhans, Jack W. Faller, Robert H. Crabtree, and Odile Eisenstein, “Double Geminal C-H Activation and Reversible -Elimination in 2-Aminopyridine Iridium(III) Complexes: The Role of Hydrides and Solvent in Flattening the Free Energy Surface”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126(28), 8795 - 8804.

13. Hyosul Shin, Dong-Heon Lee, Chan Kang, Kenneth D. Karlin, “Electrocatalytic four-electron reductions of O2 to H2O with cytochrome c oxidase model compounds ”, Electrochimica Acta, 2003, 48(27), 4077-4082.

14. Yunho Lee, Dong-Heon Lee, Kenneth D. Karlin, Yoon-Jung Mah, “Thioether ligand containing copper complexes; Modeling PHM and DβH proteins”, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Volume 96, Issue 1, 15 July 2003, 177.

15. Karin Gruet, Eric Clot, Odile Eisenstein, Dong Heon Lee, Ben Patel, Alceo Macchioni and Robert H. Crabtree, “Ion pairing effects in intramolecular heterolytic H2 activation in an Ir(III) complex: a combined theoretical/experimental study”, New J. Chem., 2003, 27, 80-87.




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