

삭물분자생물학 연구실

Research Area
Hormonal systems and various metabolic pathways of plants are different from those of animals and microorganisms. We characterize the precise cellular roles of functionally unknown genes but identified playing crucial roles in signaling of plant hormones and environmental stresses as well as plant senescence, growth and development in Arabidopsis as well as the moss P. patens . Through our previous researches, we have obtained lots of novel unknown genes, which are related to the plant senescence and development and whose expressions were increased in the stress conditions. We characterize their relationships on the senescence and various stresses, expression profiles in different tissues and subcellular organelles, and phenotype and resistance changes of overexpressed lines and knock-out mutant during plant growth and development. We also screen their interacting proteins using yeast two-hybrid and pull down assay and elucidate the horizontal mechanism of proteins. Using Affymatrix gene chip, the downstream genes are also being identified. Diverse researches on these genes and proteins make us possible to understand plant-unique regulation mechanism sharing on the stress defense, plant growth and development and senescence process, and subsequently disclose the novel cellular defense signaling mechanism.




고려대학교 (학교)



신정섭 jsshin@korea.ac.kr

소속회원 0