


연구분야 Research Fields

-  Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Kinetic Theory
-  Theory of Electrical, Optical, and Transport Properties in Solids
-  Quantum Transport Problems in Short-time and Mesoscopic Length Scales
-  Semiclassical Theory of Optics
-  Computational Neuroscience (Theory of Consciousness)


연구내용 Research Description

 The main theme of my research has been ``a rigorous understanding of what appears to be true in the nature, namely the dynamic reduction of many-particle systems''. At the most microscopic level of a dynamic description, the determination of N-particle state is of goal. However, quite often physics concerns such a situation where one- or two-particle operators and their sums are relevant. In this case, the physical properties interested are well described by an effective single particle theory. Such theories are, for instance, the kinetic theory in statistical physics and the effective mass approximation or the different family of self-consistent approximations in solids. The hydrodynamic description takes over the role at the macroscopic level, where only a few of the equilibrium or nonequilibrium state variables specify the physical state of the system. The detailed nature of such reduction of dynamics, of course, depends on the system under consideration.


 My research has spanned a wide spectrum of the condensed matter problems; ranging non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum many-body theory of solids, and theoretical neuroscience.    Lately, my endeavor centers on the long standing issue of theoretical formulation of the entropy principle and the physical principles underlying brain’s consciousness.




전남대학교 (학교)



김창섭 cskim@jnu.ac.kr

소속회원 0