다양한 야생지표종 (야생 생물)을 활용한 환경(건강)위해성 평가 및 바이오마커 개발 (To understand how environmental toxicants affect the health of wildlife, humans, and ecosystems; To develop early-warning biomarkers to address their health risks in the environment)
- 중금속 결합 단백질 기능 분석 (Characterization dof metal-regulatory genes (e.g., metallothionein, selenoprotein) in wildlife)
- 야생동물의 환경오염물질 (중금속, 농약, 환경 독소 등)에 의한 뇌신경계 교란과 생태적 영향 예측 및 평가 (Impacts of environmental toxicants on neuroendocrine and neurobehavior in wildlife)
- 환경오염물질에 의한 뇌신경계 독성 예측 평가 (Characterization of neurotransmitter enzymes and receptors (e.g., Cholinergic, Dopaminergic, GABAergic, Glutamategic systems) and antioxidant enzymes (e.g., CAT, GST) impacted by environmental pollutants)
- Gene environment interactions (Epigenetics – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), DNA methylation, DNA methyltransferase activity) in wildlife ecotoxicology
- Neuroendocrine effects of environmental pollutants on wild organisms (ER, AR, neurochemical enzymes, transporters, and receptors)
- Searching new biomarkers (e.g., analytical, biochemical, molecular, physiological, behavioral) of pollutants in organisms through available techniques (e.g., in ovo assay, cell line culture, radioligand binding assay, gene expression profiling)
- 번식 생태 Reproductive biology of wild birds (e.g., pigeons, raptors)
- 유전적 기법을 활용한 야생조수류의 식성, 개체 및 개체군 동정, 분류
- 나노물질의 생태계 거동 및 축적
전남대학교 (학교)
남동하 dongha@chonnam.ac.kr