Welcome to Global Monsoon Climate Laboratory (GMCL) !
As the risk posed by climate change grows, monsoon climate changes on moisture, energy are expected to be severe, and the East Asia is one of the major centers of change. Precipitation is a key element in global water and energy cycle and a major driver of atmospheric general circulation. There is no doubt that changes in monsoon precipitation will impose considerable impacts on society and economy. The understanding of feedback processes on monsoon variability is a key to capture the predictive source of climate change. Global monsoon perspective is needed since the current models have deficiencies in reproducing regional monsoon variability.
Korea is a monsoon country as one of major precipitation centers in the East Asian monsoon system. The monsoon climate system involves complex natural atmosphere-ocean-land-ice interaction and is most difficult to predict among various components of the earth climate system. Therefore, the accomplishment achieved in this laboratory can facilitate development of national mitigation and adaptation strategy to the global climate change.