

차세대 MEMS 실험실

NExT MEMS Laboratory, PNU was established in 2004. NExT includes an arrow in the combination of two alphabets of Ex, heading to the right and future. 


NExT MEMS intends a breakthrough in MEMS technology. Research topics focused fall broadly into three categories.

(i) Microfluidics ad Applications

(ii) Harsh Environment Sensors.

(iii) High Sensitive Nano Biosensors.


Many of these use microscale effects in micro and nanoengineering situations fabricated by MEMS technology. Current and recent researches are functional micro/nanocapsules, microfluidic separation, self-healing, high temperature/pressure sensors, and high sensitive cantilever biosensor. Four training courses are well set up to make students work independently.

(i) Numerical analysis using CFD.

(ii) MEMS fabrication.

(iii) micro-PIV.

(iv) LabVIEW.


Students can learn how to design and fabricate a microsystem design together with performance evaluation through training courses.


The catchphrase is "Interest and enthusiasm for research decide the output."




부산대학교 (학교)



고정상 micros@pusan.ac.kr

소속회원 0