

IC design Lab




1. Integrated Circuit Design & System IC

  Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) have been extensively employed in a variety of wide applications such as memory, communications systems like IMT-2000, medical devices, home and industrial appliances like camcoders, robotics and HDTV, radar, and satellite broadcasting systems. Recent rapid growth in electronics fields shows that Integrated Circuits play an exclusively important role in the next-generation such as automobiles, CCD and IR signal detection sensors,merged memory logic, non-memory system applications, simultaneously handling voice, image, and high-rate data signals.

  In this Lab, mixed-mode circuits such as A/D and D/A converters including high-performance amplifiers, references, and high-density digital circuits, required in the interface circuits to communicate between users in the analog world and versatile digital systems, are analyzed and designed.  The prototype Integrated Circuits are laid out, fabricated, measured, and evaluated for further applications to actual profitable products and systems. Developed core cells can be connected to new venture businesses via IP process.

2. Nonlinear/Low-Power Integrated Circuits

  A lot of functions and very high-speed operations are required in such systems as microprocessors, communications systems, and digital signal processors.  Such systems need many real circuit blocks related to PLL, mixers, multipliers, modulators, and de-modulators. On the other hand, more and more consumers demand battery-operated portable equipments in communications and home appliances with low-voltage and micro-power Integrated Circuits adopted.  In this Lab, considerable research and development activity is focused on nonlinear and low-power Integrated Circuits applicable to low-voltage operated consumer electronics with low power dissipation. 





서강대학교 (학교)



이승훈 hoonlee@sogang.ac.kr

소속회원 0