

유기전자재료 연구실

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Research topics
The research of OEM group is focused on organic electronics such as OLED, OTFT, OPV and Organic Sensor. From materials to devices, we are studying the relationship between molecular structure and electrical performance. Furthermore, we are trying to reveal the degradation mechanism of the organic devices for the development of the process and materials toward their long-term stability.
OLED – Organic light emitting diodes
ㆍ Development of new buffer layer materials in OLED replacing PEDOT:PSS
ㆍ White solution processable OLED for lightning
ㆍ High efficient emitting layer (EML) materials with the broad spectrum for the white OLED
ㆍ New process for the fabrication in OLED
OTFT – Organic Thin Film Transistors, OFET (Organic Field Effect Transistors)
ㆍ The effect of the gate bias stress on OTFT
ㆍ Flexible circuits based on organic transistors
ㆍ New organic semiconductors with high mobility and excellent air stability
OPV – Organic Photovoltaic devices, Organic solar cells
ㆍ Encapsulation of organic solar cells
ㆍ Organic tandem solar cells
Organic Sensors
ㆍ Architecture of Organic Photo Detector
ㆍ Organic sensor in aqueous based media
Low cost organic gas sensor




서울시립대학교 (학교)



정병준 jungbj@uos.ac.kr

소속회원 0