

전세계 한인 과학자가 소속되어 있는 연구실 정보를 제공합니다.
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연구실 목록
연구실명 기관명 책임자명 분야
Michael Group California Institute of Technology Michael R. Hoffmann 환경
Advanced Materials and Mechanics Laboratory State University of New York at Binghamton 재료
Astrobiology University of Southern Californai K. H. Nealson 생명과학
Rogers Research Group UIUC John A. Rogers 재료
Snyder Lab Yale Michael Snyder 생명과학
Network Technology Boeing Phantom Works Math & Computing Technology 정보통신
Data Storage Systems Center CMU Jimmy Zhu 전기전자
Liquid Narrative North Carolina State University R. Michael Young 정보통신
biomaterials Arizona state university Brent vernon 생명과학
Chemistry and Chemical Biology Harvard University Greg Verdine 생명과학
brain physiology and metabolism section National institutes of health Stanley I. Rapoport 보건의료
Aging and neuroscience the Burnham institute Stuart Lipton 생명과학
Fuller Lab Stanford University Margaret T. Fuller (Minx Fuller) 생명과학
Contaminant Hydrogeology The University of Iowa Walter A. Illman 지구과학
Wallingford Lab. University of Texas at Austin John B. Wallingford 생명과학
O'Shea Lab Harvard University Erin K. O'Shea 생명과학
Energy Infra US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 에너지
Dr. Ikegaki's Lab Emory University Nao Ikegaki 생명과학
Protein folding and function University of California, Santa Cruz Anthony Fink 생명과학
Texas Materials Institute University of Texas at Austin Arumugam Manthiram 재료

전체 304개