U.S. Industry in 2000 : Studies in Competitive Performance -영어
U.S. Industry in 2000 examines eleven key manufacturing and service industries and explores how they arrived at the present and what they face in the future. It assesses changing practices in research and innovation, technology adoption, and international operations.
Industry analyses shed light on how science and technology are applied in the marketplace, how workers fare as jobs require greater knowledge, and how U.S. firms responded to their chief competitors in Europe and Asia. The book will be important to a wide range of readers with a stake in U.S. industrial performance: corporate executives, investors, labor representatives, faculty and students in business and economics, and public policymakers.
원본은 http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6313.html에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 분석을 원하시는 분이 책을 직접 구매하신 후 분석 후 저희에게 발송해 주시면 책 구입 비용과 우송료를 별도로 지불해 드립니다. (영수증 첨부 필요)
여러 분야가 chapter별로 이루어져 있으므로, 여러 분이 한 팀을 이루어 분석하셔도 좋습니다. 분석비는 대표저자께 지급됩니다.
Industry analyses shed light on how science and technology are applied in the marketplace, how workers fare as jobs require greater knowledge, and how U.S. firms responded to their chief competitors in Europe and Asia. The book will be important to a wide range of readers with a stake in U.S. industrial performance: corporate executives, investors, labor representatives, faculty and students in business and economics, and public policymakers.
원본은 http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6313.html에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 분석을 원하시는 분이 책을 직접 구매하신 후 분석 후 저희에게 발송해 주시면 책 구입 비용과 우송료를 별도로 지불해 드립니다. (영수증 첨부 필요)
여러 분야가 chapter별로 이루어져 있으므로, 여러 분이 한 팀을 이루어 분석하셔도 좋습니다. 분석비는 대표저자께 지급됩니다.