학회보고서 작성신청
제목 작성자 상태 등록일
공지 학회보고서 생산 중단
Dissertations Symposium in Chemical Oceanography (DISCO) 김민경(mini324) 작성완료 2021-10-13
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-10-19
The 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 이병진(wowbj08) 작성완료 2021-10-12
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-10-19
Memory Disorders Research Society 이홍미(hongmilee) 작성완료 2021-09-23
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-09-28
EpiCypher 2021: Biological & Clinical Frontiers in Epigenetics 조준석(jscho0191) 작성완료 2021-09-17
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-09-28
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 김미영(kim1) 작성완료 2021-06-08
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-06-08
25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 김영재(ykim445) 작성완료 2021-06-07
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-06-08
18th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utiliztion 전재완(jeonjaewan90) 작성완료 2021-05-20
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-06-15
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Reality Taehee Jeong(thj77) 작성완료 2021-04-25
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2021-07-07
The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics 김미영(kim1) 작성완료 2020-11-16
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-11-20
2020 virtual MRS spring meeting&exhibit 작성완료 2020-11-12
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-11-12