학회보고서 작성신청
제목 작성자 상태 등록일
공지 학회보고서 생산 중단
The 35th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications 박세환(world00117) 신청중 2020-05-02
25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 김영재(ykim445) 작성완료 2020-04-24
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-05-12
International conference on electronic materials and nanotechnology for green environment 이배훈(lbh217) 작성완료 2020-03-28
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-03-30
30th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors 김인수(kiss2y0u) 작성완료 2020-03-10
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-03-16
Schontal Symposium - Dislocation based Plasticity 이수빈(subinlee) 작성완료 2020-02-21
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-02-21
SPIE PHOTONICS WEST 2020 (BiOS Expo 2020) 김민경(alsrud0903) 작성완료 2020-01-28
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-01-30
Neurophotonics Center's 3rd Annual Symposium 선우존(bistdude) 작성완료 2020-01-13
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-01-23
Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 김영재(ykim445) 작성완료 2020-01-13
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-01-22
World education conference EDUCON 2020 정의석(s9355064) 작성완료 2020-01-09
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-01-22
European RFMF Metabomeeting 2020 김동현(shark118) 작성완료 2019-12-30
(RE)분석자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2020-01-06