학회보고서 작성신청
제목 작성자 상태 등록일
공지 학회보고서 생산 중단
DigiCon-22 (2022 International Conference on Digital Contents : AICoM(AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies) 박세환(world00117) 신청중 2022-10-06
International meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea 신보라(lovelybacteria) 작성완료 2022-10-04
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-10-05
ISSCR Boston International Symposium: Translating Pluripotent Stem Cell Discoveries to the Clinic: Preclinical, Manufacturing, and Regulatory Strategies for Success 한민준(mjbio) 작성완료 2022-10-01
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-10-05
ESGCT (European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy ) 29th Congress 오재균(mentalh) 작성완료 2022-09-22
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-10-05
PICES (The North Pacific Marine Science Organization) 학회 김민경(mini324) 작성완료 2022-09-21
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-10-03
ICGHIT 2023 (2023 International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology) 박세환(world00117) 신청중 2022-09-19
European Society for Medical Oncology(ESMO) 2022 이상후(sprout30) 작성완료 2022-09-05
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-09-14
48th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) 정하늘(jungsky14) 작성완료 2022-08-28
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-09-02
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 김미영(kim1) 작성완료 2022-08-27
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-09-02
Weftec 2022 김형건(khgun) 작성완료 2022-08-16
(RE)작성자 선정 윤정선(jsyoon) 2022-08-17
처음 이전 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  다음 마지막