A review of air filtration technologies for sustainable and healthy building ventilation
1. Introduction
2. Air filtration technology for healthy and sustainable built environment
3. Theory of air filtration technology
4. Air filtration materials
5. Standards or regulations related to air filtration in building ventilation
6. Synergistic effect from integration with other air purification
7. Research development in sustainable and healthy building ventilation
8. 8. Further research directions
2. Air filtration technology for healthy and sustainable built environment
3. Theory of air filtration technology
4. Air filtration materials
5. Standards or regulations related to air filtration in building ventilation
6. Synergistic effect from integration with other air purification
7. Research development in sustainable and healthy building ventilation
8. 8. Further research directions
최근 미세먼지 이슈로 대기질에 대한 관심이 크게 증가하였으며, 실외 대기질 못지 않게 실내 대기질 관리 역시 관심이 집중되고 있다. 본 리뷰 논문은 공기여과 이론부터 실내 공기질 관리를 위한 다양한 기술을 소개하고 있다.