Fuel cell propulsion in small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles: Current status and research needs
Principles of fuel cells and basic performance
- Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
- Direct methanol fuel cells
- Solid oxide fuel cells
- Commercial small fuel cell systems for UAVs
Notional fuel cell unmanned aerial vehicles
- US naval research laboratory
- Georgia Institute of Technology and Colorado State University
- California State University and Oklahoma State University: Pterosaur
- University of Michigan: Endurance
Recent fuel cell research activities
Recent research activities in fuel storage and generation
- Compressed hydrogen gas
- Liquid hydrogen
- Chemical hydrogen storage
Recent research activities in power management and fuel cell hybridisation
Recommendations on future research efforts
- Hydrogen storage and on-site refuelling
- Impact of operating pressure
- Water management for non-humidified operation
- Operational robustness
- Hybridisation and power management strategies
Concluding remarks
Principles of fuel cells and basic performance
- Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
- Direct methanol fuel cells
- Solid oxide fuel cells
- Commercial small fuel cell systems for UAVs
Notional fuel cell unmanned aerial vehicles
- US naval research laboratory
- Georgia Institute of Technology and Colorado State University
- California State University and Oklahoma State University: Pterosaur
- University of Michigan: Endurance
Recent fuel cell research activities
Recent research activities in fuel storage and generation
- Compressed hydrogen gas
- Liquid hydrogen
- Chemical hydrogen storage
Recent research activities in power management and fuel cell hybridisation
Recommendations on future research efforts
- Hydrogen storage and on-site refuelling
- Impact of operating pressure
- Water management for non-humidified operation
- Operational robustness
- Hybridisation and power management strategies
Concluding remarks
본 논문에서는 연료전지 추진체를 이용한 무인 비행기의 개발 현황에 대하여 소개하였다. 2차전지와 비교했을 때, 단위 무게 당 높은 에너지를 얻을 수 있는 연료전지를 활용하면 보다 많은 비행거리를 확보할 수 있다. 하지만, 셀의 무게, 비용 등 고려할 점들이 남아있는 만큼 최적화를 위한 연구가 필요하며, 본 자료를 통해 현재 상황 및 향후 전망을 살펴볼 수 있다.