Mass spectrometry imaging for clinical research - latest developments, applications, and current limitations
1. Introduction
2. MSI imaging techniques
3. Latest technical developments in MS imaging
1) The quest for high throughput
2) Imaging at cellular length scales
3) Epitope-based MSI
4) Advances in sample preparation
5) Advances in mass resolution, accuracy, and selectivity
6) Identification strategies for metabolites, peptides, and proteins
7) Three-dimensional MSI
8) Advances in bioinformatics
9) Sharing data and knowledge
10) Highlights of clinical research performed with MSI
11) MSI in oncology
12) MSI in non-cancer clinical research
13) The present challenges in translational research performed with MSI
4. Conclusions
2. MSI imaging techniques
3. Latest technical developments in MS imaging
1) The quest for high throughput
2) Imaging at cellular length scales
3) Epitope-based MSI
4) Advances in sample preparation
5) Advances in mass resolution, accuracy, and selectivity
6) Identification strategies for metabolites, peptides, and proteins
7) Three-dimensional MSI
8) Advances in bioinformatics
9) Sharing data and knowledge
10) Highlights of clinical research performed with MSI
11) MSI in oncology
12) MSI in non-cancer clinical research
13) The present challenges in translational research performed with MSI
4. Conclusions
질량분석기는 현재 개인의학 및 독성학을 포함한 많은 임상의학 분야에서 널리 사용되고 있다. 특히 이러한 질량분석 기술 중 질량분석 이미징 기법은 임상의학 분야에서 그 입지를 크게 넓혀가고 있다. 최근 이러한 분석기법의 눈부신 발전에 힘입어 더 높은 공간 분해능과 질량분석 분해능을 가진 분석기기들이 출현하면서 임상의학 분야의 응용이 더 다양해지고 있다. 본 리뷰 논문에서는 질량분석 이미징을 이용한 임상의학 분야의 응용에 있어서 한계점을 포함한 데이터 분석, 대사체 동정 및 여러 연구 기관의 기기 재현성에 관하여 의논하였다.