Plastics in soil: Analytical methods and possible sources
1. Introduction
2. Analytical methods
2.1. Available analytical methods
2.2. Analytical standard protocols are lacking 3. Possible sources of plastic in soils
3.1. Soil amendments
3.1.1. Compost
3.1.2. Sewage sludge
3.2. Plastic mulching
3.3. Irrigation and flooding
3.4. Other sources
3.4.1. Littering and street runoff
3.4.2. Atmospheric input
4. Fate of plastic in soil
4.1. Degradation
4.2. Vertical movement
5. Conclusion
2. Analytical methods
2.1. Available analytical methods
2.2. Analytical standard protocols are lacking 3. Possible sources of plastic in soils
3.1. Soil amendments
3.1.1. Compost
3.1.2. Sewage sludge
3.2. Plastic mulching
3.3. Irrigation and flooding
3.4. Other sources
3.4.1. Littering and street runoff
3.4.2. Atmospheric input
4. Fate of plastic in soil
4.1. Degradation
4.2. Vertical movement
5. Conclusion
본 리뷰 논문에서는 토양 내 플라스틱 폐기물의 분석 방법과 폐기물의 거동에 관한여 분석하였다. 다양한 분석기법과 함께 토양으로의 유입경로를 추적하였으며, 폐기물에 의한 토양 오염과 지하수 오염경로도 분석하였다.