Grants Available (Forests and Habitats)
Primary Sponsor: Turner Foundation
Deadline: 4/1/2001; 10/1/2001
To defend biodiversity by protecting habitats.
To support ecosystem-wide habitat protection with particular emphasis on locally developed strategies for private and public lands.
To support efforts which defend wild places form destructive practices such as mining, logging, and over-grazing.
To support efforts that creates understanding of the relationship between wildlife, habitat protection and long-term economic stability.
To protect the world’s last remaining vast tracts of relatively undisturbed forestlands. (Please note the special geographic focus of Russia, Brazil and Canada for this funding priority.)
To protect forest ecosystems through reducing wood consumption, eliminating waste, and promoting safe, sustainable non-wood alternatives.
Geographic Focus
National programs will be considered, and priority consideration will be given to the states of Alaska, New Mexico, Montana, Colorado, Nebraska, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Internationally, priority consideration will be given to Mexico, Argentina and Russia.
Grant Application Information
Grant Limitations
The Foundation does not provide funding for buildings, land acquisition, endowments, or start-up funds. Additionally, the Foundation does not fund films, books, magazines, or other specific media projects. The Foundation does not provide support to individuals. The Foundation does not pay the administrative costs for submitting a grant.
The Foundation awards grants to organizations on an annual basis. Prior to submitting a grant application for continued support, reapplying organizations must file a report updating their activities.
Application Procedures
The Foundation's board meets four times annually. Within four weeks of receiving your proposal, the Foundation will notify you by mail as to the cycle your proposal has been assigned, as well as any additional information that might be needed to complete your application.
We receive many requests and we wish to reduce administrative costs as well as paper use. Accordingly, we have developed the following criteria for grant requests. Please adhere to the format and content criteria outlined below. Please be direct and brief. Please do not send videos, compact discs, tapes or books unless requested to do so. Due to the volume of proposals submitted to the Foundation, the staff can not process these materials.
Grant Application Coversheet
To be processed, your proposal must include a completed grant application coversheet. Visit the following address to view and print a grant application coversheet: www.turnerfoundation.org/turner/coversheet.html
Proposal (three page maximum for this section)
a. Describe your organization
Briefly describe your organization’s history and major accomplishments. Describe your current programs and activities. Describe the experiences that your organization brings to addressing the proposed work.
b. Describe your request
(NOTE: The Foundation awards both general support and project-specific grants. If you are requesting general support, be sure to convey a clear sense of the organization and its activities.) Statement of need/Statement of the problem: Provide background information on the issue/needs that you are addressing. It should contain, though is not limited to, an historical outline of the issue, a description of major developments, outline of relevant legislation and current opportunities. This section should not include mention of your group’s work but should establish the context for your group’s work.
Brief statement of purpose of grant: what are the goals, objective and strategies involved in this request? What are the specific activities associated with this request? What is your time-line?
Describe the demographics and geographic area that the project serves. If any, what other organizations are you working with on the proposed project?
Grants are given out in four main program areas:
ANNUALLY: April 1 and October 1
The Foundation is trying to keep the application process as simple as possible so that non-profit groups can concentrate their energies on their work, rather than on proposal writing.
A copy of the organization’s most current tax exemption letter from the IRS. If you do not have 501 (c) (3) status, please send the name and a copy of the 501 (c) (3) letter of your fiscal sponsor. Project budget (if applicable) and organizational budget for current year and a projected budget for the coming year. List individually other funding sources for this request. Include amounts and whether received, committed or projected/pending. List your organization’s major sources of funding and funding amounts for the past two years (limit to top five). Recent newsletter, articles, newspaper clippings, evaluations or reviews (limit to 5 pages). A list of organization’s Board of Directors with a related community and employment affiliations. Please submit on a separate page (i.e. not as sidebar of letterhead).
Send Grant Request to:
Peter Bahouth
Executive Director
One CNN Center, Suite1090 - South Tower
Attn: Program Department
Atlanta, GA 30303
For more information contact their website at www.turnerfoundation.org/turner/application.html.
For more information, please contact Patty Donahue at extension 8668 or by pad@resource.ca.jhu.edu. When inquiring about this program, please refer to the catalog number above (this is our reference number). Kindly share this information with members of your department.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems, please feel free to contact us by hra@resource.ca.jhu.edu