

국내외 정부부처와 연구기관에서 발주하는 연구과제 정보를 제공합니다. 회원님 기관에서 발주하는 연구 과제 공고를 직접 올리실 수 있습니다.

모집내용 발주처 시작일 마감일
Organizational Development Support Services
Microbubble Drag Reduction Demonstration
Permanent Magnets with Improved Mechanical Properties for Propulsion
Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience/Channels, Synapses and Circuit
Heart and Vascular Diseases
Micromachined Deformable Mirrors for Beam Control and Imaging Applications
Digestive Diseases and Nutrition
Advanced Hearing Protection
Multiband Fluorescence Imaging for Wide Area Detection of Land Mines, Unexploded Ordnances, and Othe
Grants Available (Forests and Habitats)
Exploratory Studies of Caloric Restriction in Non-Obese Persons
Grants Available (Energy)
Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education
Compression Algorithm for Analog and HDTV Signals
Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) at The End of Life for Cancer and/or HIV/AIDS
Advanced Computational Research in Fusion Science
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program
Climate Change Prediction Program
Distributed Terascale Facility (DTF)
2001년도 보건의료기술진흥사업 공고

전체 19158개