Control Technology and Personal Protective Equipment
Primary Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control
Deadline: 4/1/2001; 8/1/2001; 12/1/2001
Engineering controls, administrative policies, and personal protective equipment are needed to manage exposures to occupational hazards. Engineering controls include substitution of a safe material for a hazardous one, design changes to equipment, or modification of work methods to eliminate or reduce hazards. Changes in work practices and management policies and training programs are examples of administrative controls. In some cases where it is not otherwise possible to maintain a healthy work environment, personal protective equipment such as respirators and protective clothing can be used to isolate workers from the hazard. Research is needed to develop and evaluate control strategies for specific hazards and to assure their practicality and usability in workplaces.
Investigate the effectiveness of existing or proposed engineering controls (including retrofit solutions).
Develop control measures for new workplace hazards.
Identify the specific hazardous parts of a job that contribute most to the actual exposure, including personal hygiene where contamination of surfaces, clothing, or skin may occur.
Evaluate the practical utility in the workplace of proposed personal protective equipment, when it is the only available control option.
Design personal protective equipment that will fit the anthropometric diversity in today’s workforce.
Develop alternatives to pesticide application and hazardous waste remediation.
Develop micro sensing devices to notify workers before chemicals break through protective clothing and identify failures in containment systems for hazardous materials.
Create and test new materials for clothing to protect against chemical and physical hazards.
Develop information dissemination methods to help businesses learn about and implement occupational safety and health programs.
Design and evaluate training materials to teach hazards and risks, demonstrate solutions, measure changes in behavior and practices, and improve injury and illness rates.
For additional information on research topics, contact:
Dr. Roy Fleming
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Mail Stop D30
1600 Clifton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
(404) 639-2810; Fax: (404) 639-2196
Email: rmf2@niood1.em.cdc.gov
For administrative and business management information contact:
Joanne Wojcik
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement and Grants Office
Mail Stop E13
2920 Brandywine Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
(770) 488-2717; Fax: (770) 488-2777
Email: jcw6@cdc.gov
NOTE: The Solicitations listed on this site are partial copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should always use the suggested links on our reference pages. These will take you directly to the appropriate agency information where you can read the official version of the solicitation you are interested in.
The official link for this page is: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbir.htm.
Solicitation closing dates are: April 1, August 1, and December 1, 2001