

국내외 정부부처와 연구기관에서 발주하는 연구과제 정보를 제공합니다. 회원님 기관에서 발주하는 연구 과제 공고를 직접 올리실 수 있습니다.

모집내용 발주처 시작일 마감일
Control Technology and Personal Protective Equipment
Cancer Biology
Lung Diseases
National Immunization Program (NIP)
Cancer Prevention
Epidemiology and Clinical Application
Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
Emergency and Environmental Health Services
Environmental Health Laboratory Sciences
Reactants and Combustion Processes for Neutralization of Chemical and Biological Agents
Environmental Hazards and Health Effects
Development of Assistive Technology to Improve the Functional Ability of Students and Adults with Di
Research on Improving the Sensory or Motor Health and Functional Status of Individuals with Disabili
Remote Sensing and Directed Energy Applications of Femtosecond, Terawatt Lasers
STD Prevention
Technologies for Monitoring and Performing Resuscitation
Arthritis and Other Rheumatic Conditions
High Stiffness Passive Damping Concepts Using Materials or Innovative Mechanisms

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