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Chapter 1. Introduction
Section 1. What is composite material?
Section 2. Why composite material is imiportant?
Chapter 2. Compostie Material Applications by Jounal Articles
Section 1. Matrix and Reinforcements
Section 2. Manufacturing Technologies
1. Hand Lay-up
2. Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
3. Filament Winding
4. Fiber Placement and Tape Laying
5. Pultrusion
6. Mold
Section 3. Environment and Safety issue
Section 4. Repair
Section 5. Education in Academia
Section 6. Composite Materials Market
Section 7. Infrastructures Applications
Section 8. Other Markets
Section 9. Supply and Consumption
Chapter 3. Current Situation of Composite Research and Application
Section 1. Current Researches
Section 2. Current Applications
Section 3. Current Issues
Chapter 4. Future Trends of Composite Researches
Section 1. Opinions of UDRI
Section 2. Opinions of UIUC
Section 3. Opinions of UCLA
Chapter 5. A comment ofr the Strategies of Composite Research in Korea
Chapter 6. Conclusions