- 초록
- Quantum technology is undergoing a revolution. Theoretically, strange phenomena of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, can enable high-performance computing, unconditionally secure communication, and high-precision sensing. Such theoretical possibilities have been examined in the last few decades. The goal now is to apply these quantum advantages to daily life. Europe, where quantum mechanics was born a 100 years ago, is struggling to be placed at the front of this quantum revolution. Thus, the European Commission has decided to invest 1 billion EUR over 10 years and has initiated the ramp-up phase with 20 projects in the fields of communication, simulation, sensing and metrology, computing, and fundamental science. This program, approved by the European Commission, is called the “Quantum Technology Flagship” program. Its first objective is to consolidate and expand European scientific leadership and excellence in quantum research. Its second objective is to kick-start a competitive European industry in quantum technology and develop future global industrial leaders. Its final objective is to make Europe a dynamic and attractive region for innovative and collaborative research and business in quantum technology. This program also trains next-generation quantum engineers to achieve a world-leading position in quantum technology. However, the most important principle of this program is to realize quantum technology and introduce it to the market. To this end, the program emphasizes that academic institutes and industries in Europe have to collaborate to research and develop quantum technology. They believe that without commercialization, no technology can be developed to its full potential. In this study, we review the strategy of the Quantum Europe Flagship program and the 20 projects of the ramp-up phase.
추천 리포트
[동향보고서] 과기정통부, 탄소중립 10대 핵심기술 개발방향 보고서
[동향보고서] 수소생산 기술동향 브리프
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[코센리포트] 화상회의 시스템 기술 및 시장 동향
[동향보고서] 일본, 양자 2.0 보고서 공개
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