- 초록
- Sensory substitution involves mapping the characteristics of one sensory modality to the stimuli of another sensory modality. In general, when a person is visually impaired or deaf, they do not actually lose their ability to see or hear completely; however, they only lose their ability to transmit sensory signals from the periphery to the brain. It has been experimentally proven that a person who has lost the ability to retrieve data from the retina can still visualize subjective images by using data transferred from other sensory modalities such as tactile or auditory modalities. This is because vision processing pathways are still intact in most cases. Therefore, sensory substitution uses human perception and the plasticity of the human brain to transmit sensory signals through pathways that have not been lost. In this study, we analyze the characteristics and problems of various devices used for sensory substitution and summarize the recent technological trends in these devices.
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