- 초록
- As companies use increasing amounts of data more and more, people are more concerned about protecting their privacy. Many researches studies have been conducted with a to securely view of manage managing and share sharing private information securely using the Bblockchain technology. These studies have suggested a Bblockchain-based approaches to provide efficiency, scalability, data ownership, and systematic data lifecycles that were are the limitations of lacking in traditional access controls. More Sspecifically, these studies have introduced a new access control models, distributed hash tables, trusted execution environments, and hierarchical ID-based cryptographic mechanisms to provide reliable access control even in complex environments such as IoT Internet of Things. In this paperstudy, we present the criteria to for classifying the functional characteristics of the Bblockchain-based access control methods and derive the differentiateion between of each the several methods.
추천 리포트
[학회보고서] 2023 호주 에너지연구학회
[학회보고서] 제48회 IECON 산업전자학회 연례학술대회
[학회보고서] IEEE 국제 블록체인 학회
[동향보고서] 탄소나노튜브(CNT) 산업 및 시장 동향 보고서
[동향보고서] 이차전지 음극재용 탄소나노소재 기술동향 및 전망
[코센리포트] 한국의 산업용 AI 생태계 현황과 2021년 방향성
[코센리포트] 리튬이온이차전지 산업 및 차세대 이차전지 연구 동향
[동향보고서] 리튬 이차전지 소재(이차전지 소재 개발의 현재와 미래)
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