ㅇ Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one of the critical functions that need to be performed effectively i n Hospitals. Health care Organizations have realize d that their success depends on their capacity to design and manage their SCM syste m effectively, to reduce the cost and maximize the benefits and sustain their competitive advantage (Lenin, 2014). The Heal thcare se rvice industry has become one of the fastest growing knowledge industries in the service sector, with most hospitals, except few highly speciali z ed ones, providing similar types of services (Turkyilmaz, Bulak & Zaim, 2015) 2015). In the healthcare indus try, procurement operations associated with Pharmaceutical products can affect the standard of care for Patients. It also change s the inventory level and it is, therefore, prudent that some minimum stock of medical supplies is kept in hospital. This is be cause controlling logistics in the health sector will improve patient safety ( Mustaffa & Potter, 2009). Inefficient processes and delayed delivery or stock out of medical supplies may affect both the efficiency and effectiveness in hospitals (Kumar, De Gro ot & Choe, 2008; Mustaffa & Potter, 2009).
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