- 초록
- Knowledge of the technology, characteristics, and market trends of the latest CPUs used in smartphones, computers, and supercomputers and the research trends of leading US university experts gives an edge to policy-makers, business executives, large investors, etc. To this end, we describe three topics in detail at a level that can help educate the non-majors to the extent possible. Topic 1 comprises the design and manufacture of a CPU and the technology and trends of the smartphone SoC. Topic 2 comprises the technology and trends of the x86 CPU and supercomputer, and Topic 3 involves an optical network chip that has the potential to emerge as a major semiconductor chip. We also describe three techniques and experiments that can be used to implement the optical network chip.
추천 리포트
[코센리포트] 양자점 디스플레이 기술 및 산업 동향
[코센리포트] 수상태양광 시스템 국내/외 동향
[동향보고서] 3D프린팅 기술을 접목한 금형 제조기술 동향
[코센리포트] 언택트 시대, 세계 각국의 ICT 개발 및 정책
[코센리포트] 비행 자동차(flying car) 개발 동향
리포트 평점
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