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전체 46817

전체 46817

Thermal Expansion of Long Slender Rods with Forced Convection Cooling Along the Rod Length 스크랩

  • F.F. Rudder, Jr.
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This report presents explicit analytical expressions for the thermal expansion of a rod with heat input at one end and forced convection cooling along the length of the rod. When the rod is graduated for length measurement(i.e., a ruler or ball screw), thermal expansion causes an error in the length measurement. For the problem described here, the thermal expansion or length error depends upon both distance along the rod and time. Calculations are presented illustrating the magnitude of the measurement error for representative conditions of heating and cooling The report considers two heat input models: step temperature input and step heat flux input. A representative example illustrates the system response to the two inputs. The detail calculations illustrate the differences between the two idealized input models. These idealized models are basis response functions that may be used to estimate system response to general time-varying heat input conditions. The implications for using these results for system metrology are discussed.


한.EU 기술협력기반 구축 추진 및 IEA 에너지기술 평가 프로그램(ETSAP)운영위원회 회의 참석 스크랩

  • 신희성(null / null)
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1.Adoption of Aganda(의안접수) 2.'98.5.6.베를린 회의 회의록 보고 3.Annex Ⅴ최종보고서 4.Annex Ⅵ에 대한 검토 -참가국가 확인 -6차 웍샵 보고서 검토 -타 사업에의 기여에 대한 보고 -재정보고서 확인 -인쇄 배포계획 협의 -최종보고서 발간 계획 협의 -기간연장 등 논의 5)Annex Ⅶ -차기 사업계획 채택 -재정 계획 작성 -잠정 참가예정국 조사 6)Annex Ⅷ -다음회기의 사업계획 채택


Enhanced Machine Controller Architecture Overview 스크랩

  • Frederick M. Proctor, John Michaloski
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  • 정보/통신

This overview provides a brief summary of NIST's efforts to define an Enganced Machine Controller(EMC) architecture, with emphasis on the requirements of machine tools. The primary concern is to implement an open architecture conforming to the Next Generation Controller Specification for and Open System Architecture Standard(NGC SOSAS)[1]and to the NIST Realtime Control System reference model architecture(RCS)[2,3] by defining a set of modules, their interfaces, and required basic functionality. The importance of multi-level feedback, "art-to-part" requirements, and sensor-based engancements will be directly addressed during the development of the architecture


Integrated Vision and Touch Sensing for CMMs 스크랩

  • Yoshimi, B./Hong, T. -H./Herman, M./Nashman, M./Rippey, W. G.
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  • 정보/통신

This paper describes a calibrated and uncalibrated method for integrating a vision system with touch sensors and a Coordinate Measuring Machine(CMM). Traditionally, vision systems are used to measure machined parts and to localize manyfacturing defects based on appearances. Our system relies on a "coarse-fine" approach to integrating vision with CMMs. Vision guides the CMM to the feature to be measured and the CMM performs the actual measurement. The resulting system is capable of quickly inspecting large regions with high resolution. We will examine what impact the internet may have on CMM technology and the ways in which vision can make CMM technology accesible over it. We will also present results demonstrating the power and flexibility of newm uncalibrated vision techniques.


CRS Issue Brief : Japan-US Relations 스크랩

  • Robert G. Sutter, Coordinator
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

Japan and the United States have long worked closely together to build a strong, multifaceted relationship based on democratic values and multual interests in world stabillity and development. The two governments are following through with recent efforts to revitalize their security alliance while manageing trade disputes. The outlook for U.S.-Japan relations is clouded by political debate in Japan over the large U.S.military presence there, resional economic and security nucertainties, and ongoing trade disputes. Congress has watched closely the evolution of Clinton Administration policy toward Japan while taking few initiatives of its own. Some in Congress are inclined t press Japan harder on trade and other disputes, while others support the current efforts to give higher priority to security cooperation and play down economic disputes. The Asian economic crisis and its implications for Japan complicate US policymaking, prompting some to argue for a softer approach on bilateral disputes, and others to press Japan hard for meaningful economic reform and stimulus. -Contents- summary most recent developments background and analysis U.S.-Japan Cooperation and Interdependece Security Issues (This section written by Larry Niksch) Economic Issues (This section written by Willian Cooper) Japanese Political Issues (This section written by Rinn S. Shinn) U.S. Policy Approaches (This section written by Richard Cronin) ....


ICHES '98 논문발표 및 IEA XC45참석 스크랩

  • 조성환(null / null)
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1.A Humidity Control System with an Absorption Material and Indoor Air Quality Improvement, Yoshifumi Moria, Toshiya Fujito 2.Disign and Performance of an Automatic Ceiling Fan Control Based on the PMV Comfort Model,Tomonobu Goto and Larry G Berflund 3.Development of Intelligent Window for Future House, Isamu Ohata 4.Study of Latent Heat Control System in Residential House, Kazuhiko Siratori, Kazuhiro Fukada 5.Study on a New Cooling and Heating system utilizing Adhesive Jet on Ceiling, Ikno Sawada,Hiroghi Alakatani 6.The Roof Pools for Cooling and Planting, Chen Qigao, Dong Zizhong 7.The Investigation of the Indoor Environment on Highly Air tight Houses During Air Conditionign Seasons, Hideo Ohno, Aya Ohhri and Hiroshi Matsunoto


The Use of Vision and Touch Sensors for Dimensional Inspection Tasks 스크랩

  • Marilyn Nashman
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  • 기계

The purpose of dimensional inspection is to verify the geometry of a manufactured part. A machined part is either or rejected based upon the sensed errors between the object and its specified geometry as defined in a CAD(Computer Aided Design)model or other model database. Various sensors can be used for inspection tasks. The use of multiple sensors is relatively new in this application and coordinate measuring machine(CMM) manufactures have only recently begun supplying machines that provide multiple sensor capabilities. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the current use of vision and touch sensors for inspection tasks and to suggest alternative strategies for the use of these sensors to increase their capabilities.
