- Stadtman Committee Briefing (NIH Only)
- - Drs. Lawrence Tabak and Michael Gottesman (2012/09/25)
- - Category : NIH Only
- To give a briefing to the Stadtman Committee.
Stadtman Committee Briefing (NIH Only)
- A Celebration of Science: Highlights
- - NIH with the FasterCures, the Milken Institutes Center For Accelerating Medical Solutions (2012/09/23)
- - Category : Conferences
- Forum celebrating the remarkable advances scientists are making to save, extend, and improve lives worldwide, focusing on the health, social, economic, and other benefits of science and for a renewed commitment to advancing biomedical research.
For more information go to http://www.celebrationofscience.org/
A Celebration of Science: Highlights
- NIH 2012 Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program (NIH Only)
- - Dr. Nitza M. Citron, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (2012/09/23)
- - Category : Hispanic Heritage Observance (NIH Only)
- The NIH Hispanic Heritage Month Observance program
The national theme for the 2012 Hispanic Heritage Month is ???Diversity United, Building America???s Future Today.??? The theme promotes the benefits of a united and diverse workforce by encouraging a reflection of Hispanic American contributions in the development of our nation.
The keynote speaker is Nitza M. Cintr??n, M.D., Ph.D., Internal Medicine Practitioner and Associate Professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Dr. Cintr??n will address the national theme emphasizing its relevance on health and medical sciences.
Other NIH program participants include Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., Deputy Director, NIH; Carlos A. Zarate, M.D., Chief Experimental Therapeutics & Pathophysiology Branch, Division of Intramural Research Program, NIMH; and Isabel Garcia, D.D.S., Deputy Director, NIDCR. Also invited to attend the program are students from Wheaton High School in Silver Spring, Maryland.
NIH 2012 Hispanic Heritage Month Observance Program (NIH Only)
- Animal Model Development Workshop (Day 2)
- - NIAID, FDA, BARDA, TMT, DTRA (2012/09/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- The Animal Model Development Workshop will explore the scientific and regulatory challenges of developing medical countermeasures (MCM) under the FDA Animal Rule??? (21 CFR 314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products). The goals of this workshop are to highlight the significant progress made in animal model development for MCMs, review recent case studies of products under development using animal models, and capture lessons learned to inform future animal model development efforts. In addition, the workshop will provide a forum to discuss current challenges and identify potential solutions or mitigation strategies.
For more information go to https://respond.niaid.nih.gov/conferences/AMDW/Pages/default.aspx
Animal Model Development Workshop (Day 2)
- Working to end the HIV pandemic: Glimmers of Hope
- - Myron S. Cohen, M.D., Institute of Global Health and Infectious Diseases, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2012/09/22)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The Annual Rolla E. Dyer Lecture
The efficiency of transmission of HIV-1 depends on the infectiousness of the index case and the susceptibility of those exposed. Infectiousness is dictated by the concentration of HIV-1 and the viral genotype and phenotype. People newly infected with HIV-1 (i.e. acute infection) and those with STD co-infections excrete such a large concentration of virus as to be ???hyperinfectious???. The probability of HIV-1 transmission may be as low as 1/10,000 episodes of intercourse or 1/10 sexual exposures when anal intercourse is practiced. The transmission of HIV is generally limited a small number of founder variants which themselves may be ???hyperinfectious???. Synergistic behavioral and biologic HIV prevention strategies have been developed and implemented. Safer sex includes limiting the number of sexual partners and use of male latex condoms, and these strategies appear to have contributed to reduced HIV-1 incidence in many countries. Biological interventions have proven catalytic: These include voluntary male circumcision and use of antiviral agents either for infected people (who can be rendered less contagious) or as pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP). Ecologic evidence suggests that broader, earlier antiviral treatment of HIV may be reducing incidence in some (but not all) populations. However, maximal benefit of HIV ???treatment for prevention??? and application of PrEP will likely require a program of universal ???test and treat???, where many more infected patients are identified, linked to care, and treated very early in disease and for life. Community randomized trials designed to support this approach are underway in Africa. The ???test and treat??? prevention strategy is resource intensive and serves to emphasize the urgent need for even more research devoted to HIV-1 vaccine development, or cure of the infection.
The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
For more information go to http://wals.od.nih.gov
Working to end the HIV pandemic: Glimmers of Hope
- A Community-Based Participatory Approach to a Hepatitis B Intervention for Underserved Korean Americans
- - Grace X. Ma Ph.D., Temple University (2012/09/22)
- - Category : Health Disparities
- NIH Health Disparities
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and liver cancer are severe health problems among Korean Americans. Most Korean Americans are neither screened nor vaccinated against HBV due to substantial access barriers. Nearly 80 percent of Korean Americans attend churches regularly, making churches ideal venues for promoting HBV prevention and intervention. The presentation will highlight a unique community-academic-clinical partnership of academic researchers and Korean church partners, to use community-based participatory research approaches to address HBV issues and health care access barriers encountered by underserved Korean communities. Dr. Ma will share progress of the project, discuss the roles and contributions of church partners, as well as challenges and lessons learned for how to sustain intervention programs in a Korean church environment.
Dr. Grace X. Ma is a tenured full Professor in the Department of Public Health and Director of Center for Asian Health, College of Health Professions at Temple University. Dr. Mas research focuses on community-based participatory intervention research (CBPR), early detection, patient navigation of Hepatitis B, cancers and chronic illnesses, smoking cessation, access and quality of healthcare in medically underserved, uninsured and high-risk Asian American populations. In 2000, Dr. Ma founded the Center for Asian Health, one of the first in the nation dedicated to reducing cancer and other health disparities among Asian Americans. Dr. Ma in partnership with Asian community leaders co-founded the first Asian Community Health Coalition (ACHC) in the Eastern region of the U.S., including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York City and Washington DC areas.
A Community-Based Participatory Approach to a Hepatitis B Intervention for Underserved Korean Americans
- NIH Academy Short Course (Part I)
- - Paula Goodwin, PhD, and Irene Dankwa-Mullan, PhD, NIMHD, NIH (2012/09/21)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- The NIH Academy Short Course provides trainees with an overview of the scientific, social-economic, cultural, environmental, and policy factors that contribute to health disparities. Parts I and II of this course will introduce trainees to the underlying factors leading to health disparities and lay the foundation necessary for the trainees to actively engage in promoting a society in which all people live healthy lives and have equal access to health care.
For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov
NIH Academy Short Course (Part I)
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Targeting PPAR-gamma for Oral Cancer Prevention (2)Targeting the PI3K-mTOR Signaling Circuitry in Head and Neck Cancer
- - (1) Eva Szabo, MD, Chief, Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Cancer Research Group, Division of Cancer Prevention, NCI (2) J. Silvio Gutkind, PhD, Chief, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Branch, NIDCR (2012/09/21)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Targeting PPAR-gamma for Oral Cancer Prevention (2)Targeting the PI3K-mTOR Signaling Circuitry in Head and Neck Cancer
For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
CC Grand Rounds: (1) Targeting PPAR-gamma for Oral Cancer Prevention (2)Targeting the PI3K-mTOR Signaling Circuitry in Head and Neck Cancer
- National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council/Cures Acceleration Network Review Board - September 2012
- - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (2012/09/20)
- - Category : Special
- The September 14, 2012, meeting of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council and the Cures Acceleration Network Review Board will feature presentations by NIH and NCATS leadership, including a Director???s Report, NCATS Policy Directions, and an overview and discussion of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards program and the Division of Pre-Clinical Innovation programs.
For more information on NCATS go to http://www.ncats.nih.gov/about/ncats- council/council.html
For more information on CAN go to http://www.ncats.nih.gov/about/can-board/can-board.html
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Advisory Council/Cures Acceleration Network Review Board - September 2012
- Animal Model Development Workshop (Day 1)
- - NIAID, FDA, BARDA, TMT, DTRA (2012/09/19)
- - Category : Conferences
- The Animal Model Development Workshop will explore the scientific and regulatory challenges of developing medical countermeasures (MCM) under the FDA Animal Rule??? (21 CFR 314.600 for drugs; 21 CFR 601.90 for biological products). The goals of this workshop are to highlight the significant progress made in animal model development for MCMs, review recent case studies of products under development using animal models, and capture lessons learned to inform future animal model development efforts. In addition, the workshop will provide a forum to discuss current challenges and identify potential solutions or mitigation strategies.
For more information go to https://respond.niaid.nih.gov/conferences/AMDW/Pages/default.aspx
Animal Model Development Workshop (Day 1)
- Gene Transfer and Rare Diseases Workshop - September 2012
- - NIH (2012/09/18)
- - Category : Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee
- RAC: Gene Transfer and Rare Diseases Workshop, National Institutes of Health, September 13, 2012
Gene Transfer and Rare Diseases Workshop - September 2012
- Division of Administration All Hands Meeting - September 2012 (HHS Only)
- - Ned Holland (2012/09/15)
- - Category : HHS Only
- Division of Administration All Hands Meeting
Division of Administration All Hands Meeting - September 2012 (HHS Only)
- 130th Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee Meeting - September 2012
- - NIH (2012/09/15)
- - Category : Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee
- RAC Meeting
For more information go to http://oba.od.nih.gov/rdna_rac/rac_meetings.html
130th Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee Meeting - September 2012
- Lunch and Learn Parenting Seminar: Bullying What You Need to Know
- - Hazel Osborn (2012/09/15)
- - Category : Parenting
- Childhood bullying can happen at any age, anywhere, and at any time. Attend this informative seminar focused on preventing and responding to bullying. This seminar will also cover signs and symptoms of bullying, discussion of the various types of bullying, what to do if you suspect if your child is a bully, techniques for responding to a bully, as well as strategies for assertive communication.
Handout Slides
For more information go to http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/pes/dats/childcare/Pages/index.aspx
Lunch and Learn Parenting Seminar: Bullying What You Need to Know
- NCI Frederick Advisory Committee - September 2012
- - NCI (2012/09/14)
- - Category : NCI Frederick Advisory Committee
- The 3rd meeting of the NCI Frederick Advisory Committee
NCI Frederick Advisory Committee - September 2012
- Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Lessons from Our Patients: Seeing Through the Mist to Understand Inflammation
- - Daniel L. Kastner, MD, PhD, Scientific Director, Intramural Research Program, NHGRI (2012/09/14)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Lessons from Our Patients: Seeing Through the Mist to Understand Inflammation
For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers: Lessons from Our Patients: Seeing Through the Mist to Understand Inflammation
- Is Aging Reversible? Resetting the Clock
- - Thomas A. Rando, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine (2012/09/14)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
The Annual Florence Mahoney Lecture
Aging is a process that is generally viewed as unidirectional, relentless, and inevitable. However, in addition to the existence of non-aging species, or at least species with negligible senescence, data from a wide range of living organisms suggests that environmental influences can markedly slow and even halt the aging process. Furthermore, recent experimental evidence suggests that aspects of the molecular and functional characteristics of aged cells and tissues even in mammals can be restored to a more youthful state. Analyses of age-related changes in cells have revealed clear epigenetic changes, and the reversibility of some of those processes, in essence leading to cell and tissue rejuvenation, suggest epigenetic mechanisms.
Current studies focus on understanding the nature and regulation of those epigenetic mechanisms and the extent to which the aging clock can be rewound or reset by defined environmental influences while leaving other cellular characteristics, such as their state of differentiation, intact.
For more information go to http://wals.od.nih.gov/
Is Aging Reversible? Resetting the Clock
- Effect of Stretching on Connective Tissue: From Yoga to Acupuncture
- - Helene M. Langevin, M.D. (2012/09/13)
- - Category : NCCAM Lectures
- Connective tissue forms a body-wide network whose role in musculoskeletal health and disease is gaining increasing attention. In particular, connective tissue is emerging as a potential contributor to musculoskeletal pain as well as a target for therapies including yoga, massage and acupuncture.
This talk will present recent evidence on connective tissue pathology associated with low back pain and on the effect of stretching on pain and inflammation.
For more information go to https://nccam.nih.gov/research/consultservice/lecture.htm
Effect of Stretching on Connective Tissue: From Yoga to Acupuncture
- TRACO: Introduction & Lung Cancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
- - Terry Moody, NCI Course Director (2012/09/13)
- - Category : TRACO
- The Translational Research in Clinical Oncology course begins Sept. 10, 2012. The course will feature two 1-hour sessions that will usually occur on Mondays, 4:00 ??? 6:00 pm in the Bldg. 50 ground floor auditorium (Rooms 1227/1233) with videoconferencing to Frederick National Lab (Bldg. 549, Rm. A). In addition, lectures will be archived at http://videocast.nih.gov.
Each session will have two 50-minutes lectures in basic and clinical sciences with ample time for discussion and analysis. A handout for each lecture will be distributed on site.
For more information go to http://ccr.cancer.gov/careers/courses/traco
TRACO: Introduction & Lung Cancer Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
- OGC Speaker Series - September 2012 (HHS Only)
- - Don Verrilli (2012/09/13)
- - Category : HHS Only
- The role of the Solicitor General
OGC Speaker Series - September 2012 (HHS Only)