- IDH Mutations: Oncometabolite Deregulation of Epigenetic Remodeling
- - Dr. Craig B. Thompson, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (2012/06/17)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Craig Thompson became the President and Chief Executive Officer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - the worlds oldest and largest private institution devoted to cancer prevention, treatment, research, and education - in November 2010. Dr. Thompson is a board-certified internist and medical oncologist with extensive research experience in cancer, immunology, and translational medicine. To date, Dr. Thompson has published more than 350 peer-reviewed manuscripts and more than 85 reviews. Currently, his laboratory undertakes basic research in the fields of cancer biology and immunology. His laboratory has recently contributed to the resurgent interest in cancer cell metabolism and is developing translational therapies to exploit the metabolic addictions exhibited by cancer cells.
Dr. Thompson is a member of the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Medical Advisory Board of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
For more information, visit:
The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
IDH Mutations: Oncometabolite Deregulation of Epigenetic Remodeling
- The 9th GIST Clinic Invitational Lecture
- - Lee Helman (2012/06/16)
- - Category : Special
- The 9th GIST Clinic Invitational Lecture will feature a talk titled, The NIH Pediatric and wildtype GIST Clinic: What we have learned and where we are going. It will also feature conclusions reached using data from the past 8 clinics and transitioning the clinic into Clinical trials based on these conclusions.
For more information go to http://www.pediatricgist.cancer.gov/
The 9th GIST Clinic Invitational Lecture
- DDM Seminar Series - The Science of Motivation (NIH Only)
- - Dan Pink (2012/06/16)
- - Category : DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
- On behalf of Colleen Barros, Deputy Director for Management (DDM), the NIH Training Center is pleased to announce the fourth seminar in the 2012 DDM Seminar Series. The seminar will take place Thursday, June 14th from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Building 10 and will feature speaker Dan Pink.
Dan Pink is a world renowned author and authority in the field of business. He has had four number one best-sellers including ???A Whole New Mind??? and ???Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us.??? Mr. Pink honed his writing skills as a White House speechwriter for former Vice President Al Gore in 1995- 1997. He also worked as an aide to U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich and in other positions in both politics and government.
Dan Pink will address the NIH community in a presentation titled The Science of Motivation.??? The presentation will examine both conventional an emerging science behind what motivates people. Mr. Pink will explore reward and punishment, the traditional school of thought about motivation. He will also delve into new science which challenges current beliefs and forces one to consider other alternatives to motivate both self and others. Dan Pink will discuss the Three Core Principles of Motivation: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. He will also provide participants with concrete motivational practices that can be used on the job.
Dan Pink???s articles on business and technology appear in many publications, including the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Wired, and The Sunday Telegraph. Dan has provided analysis of business trends on CNN, CNBC, ABC, NPR, and other networks in the U.S. and abroad. And he lectures to corporations, associations, and universities around the world on economic transformation and the new workplace.
For more information go to http://www.ddmseries.od.nih.gov/
DDM Seminar Series - The Science of Motivation (NIH Only)
- Ca2+ Sensors for Exocytosis
- - Edwin Chapman, PhD, University of Wisconsin (2012/06/15)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. Chapman research is focused on understanding the structure, function and dynamics of the exocytotic membrane fusion machine that mediates the release of neurotransmitters from neurons. These studies have begun to reveal insights into how the release machinery is regulated and thereby contributes to neuronal plasticity. Neuronal exocytosis is triggered by Ca2+ and occurs via the abrupt opening of a pre-assembled fusion pore. Subsequent dilation of the pore results in the complete fusion of the vesicle membrane with the plasma membrane. Dr. Chapman is currently identifying and reconstituting the sequential protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions that underlie excitation-secretion coupling. To delineate this pathway, his lab has primarily focused on the Ca2+-binding synaptic-vesicle protein, synaptotagmin, which appears to function as the Ca2+-sensor that regulates release. His work is also focused on components of the SNARE-complex, which is thought to form the core of the fusion apparatus. The rapid kinetics of exocytosis (<1 ms) indicate that only a handful of molecular rearrangements occur to couple Ca2+-synaptotagmin to the opening of the fusion pore. His lab is using a combination of biochemical, biophysical, imaging, spectroscopic and genetic approaches to delineate the interactions/conformational changes that occur during this window of time. For more information go to http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov
Ca2+ Sensors for Exocytosis
- From One Come Many: Harnessing the Power of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from the Bench to the Bedside
- - Cynthia Dunbar, MD, Senior Investigator and Head, Molecular Hematopoiesis Section, Hematology Branch, NHLBI (2012/06/15)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- This week???s Grand Rounds is the Ninth Annual John Laws Decker Memorial Lecture.
Dr. Cynthia Dunbar, senior investigator and head of NHLBI???s Molecular Hematopoiesis Section, Hematology Branch, will present ???From One Come Many: Harnessing the Power of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from the Bench to the Bedside.???
The Decker Lecture honors the legacy of Dr. John Decker, who served as CC director from 1983-1990. The lecture is presented by the recipient of the NIH Distinguished Clinical Teacher???s Award, which is the highest honor bestowed collectively on an NIH senior clinician, staff clinician, or tenure-track/tenured clinical investigator by the NIH clinical fellows. The award recognizes excellence in mentoring health-care professionals, excellence in teaching on issues related to direct patient care, and outstanding contributions to the advancement of clinical research.
For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
From One Come Many: Harnessing the Power of Hematopoietic Stem Cells from the Bench to the Bedside
- NBS Travel HPOC Meeting - June 2012 (NIH Only)
- - Jennifer Martin (2012/06/14)
- - Category : Travel (NIH Only)
- Meeting is to present information related to the NBS Travel system to the administrative community.
NBS Travel HPOC Meeting - June 2012 (NIH Only)
- Directors Council of Public Representatives - June 2012
- - NIH Office of the Director (2012/06/12)
- - Category : Directors Council of Public Representatives
- The Directors Council of Public Representatives (COPR) is a federal advisory committee made up of members of the public, who advise the National Institutes Director on issues related to public participation in NIH activities, outreach efforts, and other matters of public interest.
For more information, visit: http://copr.nih.gov/
For more information go to http://copr.nih.gov/
Directors Council of Public Representatives - June 2012
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Cerebrovascular Disease: Prevent, Protect, Repair (2) Mucosal Tolerization to E-selectin for the Prevention of Secondary Strokes
- - (1) Walter J. Koroshetz, MD, Deputy Director, NINDS (2) John M. Hallenbeck, MD, Chief, Stroke Branch, Clinical Neuroscience Program, NINDS (2012/06/10)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- CC Grand Rounds: (1) Cerebrovascular Disease: Prevent, Protect, Repair (2) Mucosal Tolerization to E-selectin for the Prevention of Secondary Strokes
For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
CC Grand Rounds: (1) Cerebrovascular Disease: Prevent, Protect, Repair (2) Mucosal Tolerization to E-selectin for the Prevention of Secondary Strokes
- Antipoverty Vaccines for the Worlds Neglected Diseases
- - Dr. Peter J. Hotez, Baylor College of Medicine (2012/06/10)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) represent the most common infections affecting the estimated 100 million people living below the poverty line in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. An additional five million people live in poverty in the state of Texas, especially in South Texas. Almost all of the ???bottom 100 million??? (as well as many of the five million Texans living in poverty) are affected by one or more NTD caused by hookworm and other intestinal helminth infections, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, fascioliasis, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, and neglected bacterial and viral infections such as leptospirosis, yellow fever, and dengue. Mass administration of donated and low-cost generic NTD drugs has eliminated selected NTDs in certain LAC countries. Specifically, schistosomiasis has been eliminated in the Caribbean region; LF in Costa Rica, Suriname, and Trinidad; Trachoma in Mexico; onchoerciasis in the six remaining endemic LAC countries; and leprosy throughout the LAC (except for Brazil). Moreover, great strides have been made in eliminating Chagas disease in the Southern Cone of LAC. There is an urgent need to expand mass drug administration efforts through support of government and agencies such as USAID, and a LAC NTD fund sponsored jointly by the Interamerican Development Bank, PAHO, and the Global Network for NTDs. However, it will be necessary to simultaneously develop and test control tools such as new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics for many of the NTDs. Several ???antipoverty vaccines??? targeting NTDs are currently under development and undergoing clinical testing through the activities of academic institutions and product development partnerships (PDPs) in collaboration with developing country manufacturers and partners in Brazil (FIOCRUZ, FIOCRUZ-BioManguinhos, Instituto Butantan), Mexico (CINVESTAV, Birmex), Cuba, and elsewhere. Together these organizations are leading a path for innovation to produce new vaccines for Chagas disease, cysticercosis, dengue, fascioliasis, hookworm, leishmaniasis, leprosy, leptospirosis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and yellow fever. Beyond direct vaccine development, it will be essential to implement global access strategies for these new potentially life saving products, which ultimately could facilitate the elimination of several key NTDs that pose public health problems in the LAC region.
The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
For more information, visit:
The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Antipoverty Vaccines for the Worlds Neglected Diseases
- NICHD Advisory Council Meeting - June 2012
- - NICHD (2012/06/10)
- - Category : National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council
- To help achieve the goals of the Institute, the NACHHD Council is charged with advising, consulting with, and making recommendations to the NICHD director on matters relating to the research and research support activities and functions of the Institute.
NICHD Advisory Council Meeting - June 2012
- Reflections from Secretary Sebelius Trips to India and Haiti (HHS Only)
- - HHS Office of Global Health (2012/06/09)
- - Category : HHS Only
- Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and 6 other HHS dignitaries will share highlights of the secretarys recent trips to India and Haiti to forward goals of global health in the HHS auditorium with HHS employees; there will be comments from each speak on the stage, power-points with photographs, and a short Q&A with the audience members at the end.
for more information go to http://www.hhs.gov
Reflections from Secretary Sebelius Trips to India and Haiti (HHS Only)
- NIH Pain Consortium 7th Annual Sympoisum (Day 3)
- - US Food and Drug Administration (2012/06/08)
- - Category : Conferences
- The public workshop, hosted by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, will begin at 1 p.m. on May 30, immediately following the adjournment of the NIH Pain Consortium Symposium and will conclude on May 31 at 5 p.m. It will include a discussion of the available data on the efficacy of analgesics in the treatment of chronic noncancer pain (CNCP). The focus of the presentations and discussions by scientific experts and other stakeholder groups will be on the available clinical data from both randomized clinical trials and other studies of the efficacy of opioid analgesics, and comparison of that data to the data from studies of nonopioid analgesics used in the treatment of CNCP
For more information go to http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/NewsEvents/ucm283979.htm
NIH Pain Consortium 7th Annual Sympoisum (Day 3)
- A Grand Opportunity: Developing a Resource for Genetic Epidemiology Research in Adult Health and Aging (NIH Only)
- - NIH, NIA and NIMH (2012/06/08)
- - Category : NIH Only
- The Symposium will be a presentation and discussion of progress and findings from the ARRA-funded Genome-wide Association Study and telomere analysis of 100,000 participants in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California HMO. Hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institute on Aging, with support from the National Institute on Mental Health.
For more information go to http://www.dor.kaiser.org/external/DORExternal/rpgeh/news/NIH_grant.aspx
A Grand Opportunity: Developing a Resource for Genetic Epidemiology Research in Adult Health and Aging (NIH Only)
- NIH Council of Councils Meeting - June 2012
- - Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives, NIH (2012/06/08)
- - Category : Council of Councils
- The NIH Council of Councils advises the Director, NIH, and the Director, DPCPSI, on the policies and activities of DPCPSI. The Council also conducts concept clearance and second-level review for grant applications for Common Fund and Office of Research Infrastructure Programs. The meeting will provide: updates on DPCPSI programs, a scientific presentation, and second-level review will occur during closed session.
For more information go to http://dpcpsi.nih.gov/council/index.aspx
NIH Council of Councils Meeting - June 2012
- Careers in Grants Management: Eighth in the "How To Series"
- - Cheryl A. Kitt, PhD, Deputy Director, CSR (2012/06/08)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- Managing the grant process involves many individuals with scientific knowledge. From peer review to program officers, inside the NIH to non-profits, there are a spectrum of career options for PhD and MD trained scientists. In this How To workshop, we will examine jobs in grants managagement, the skills needed to get a job in the field, and how to prepare yourself for this career.
This is the eighth in the new OITE How To series. The series dissects a variety of career path to explore what skills are necessary to succeed and how you can get those skills integrated into your resume as a grad student or postdoc
For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov
Careers in Grants Management: Eighth in the "How To Series"
- NIH CRM/SCIG Stem Cell Seminar - June 2012
- - Donald Ingber, PhD, Harvard University (2012/06/07)
- - Category : Stem Cell
- NIH CRM/SCIG Stem Cell Seminar Series
Speaker: Donald Ingber, PhD Affiliation: Director, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University
NIH CRM/SCIG Stem Cell Seminar - June 2012
- Rare Diseases: The challenges presented by Biospecimens, Patient Registries, Electronic Heath Record and Bioethics
- - Dr. Marni J. Falk, Dr. Philip Resnik and Dr. Rachel Dvoskin (2012/06/05)
- - Category : Biospecimens
- Presentations include: Rare disease research, patient registries, and biospecimens: A translational scientist???s perspectives on mitochondrial disease Dr. Marni J. Falk. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Division of Human Genetics The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia ?????? ???Unlocking the unstructured information in EHRs: the role of natural language processing technology in integrating patient clinical information??? Dr. Philip Resnik, Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland College Park and ?????? ???Ethical issues and challenges surrounding research in rare diseases: informed consent, privacy, data sharing, and return of results??? Dr. Rachel Dvoskin Genetics Research Analyst, Genetics and Public Policy Center Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
For more information, visit
Rare Diseases: The challenges presented by Biospecimens, Patient Registries, Electronic Heath Record and Bioethics
- NIH Pain Consortium 7th Annual Sympoisum (Day 2)
- - NIH Pain Consoritum Symposium (2012/06/02)
- - Category : Conferences
- The NIH Pain Consortium Symposium will focus on research advances related to therapy development of novel opioid analgesic formulations and approaches, novel nonopioid analgesic development and testing, and nonpharmacological strategies as adjuncts to pain management. Presentations will highlight NIH-funded studies that have made significant contributions to advancing the field of pain research.
For more information go to http://www.cvent.com/d/2cq0dk
NIH Pain Consortium 7th Annual Sympoisum (Day 2)
- All Hands Meeting - May 2012 (HHS Only)
- - Kathy Greenlee, Administrator, Henry Claypool, Principal Deputy Assistant Sec. and Sec. Kathleen Sebelius (2012/06/02)
- - Category : HHS Only
- Monthly Staff meeting with Administration for Community Living local and regional staff
All Hands Meeting - May 2012 (HHS Only)
- NIDA All Hands & "Town Hall" Meeting - May 2012 (HHS Only)
- - Dr. Volkow (2012/06/02)
- - Category : HHS Only
- Dr. Volkow, NIDA Director is having a NIDA Hands Town Hall Meeting for all of NIDA employees to discuss specific topics with all of NIDA staff.
NIDA All Hands & "Town Hall" Meeting - May 2012 (HHS Only)