- Thirty Years of HIV/AIDS: A Personal Journey
- - Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (2011/06/02)
- - Category : Special
- Please join us for a special lecture to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first reported cases of what is now known as AIDS, a disease that has claimed the lives of at least 30 million people worldwide.
In his talk, Dr. Fauci will discuss the bleak early years of AIDS when none of his patients survived; the growing understanding that AIDS was not only affecting white gay men, but people of all ages, races, genders, and sexual orientations; the breakthrough discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS; the development of lifesaving antiretroviral medications; work with gay activist groups, Congress, and White House administrations throughout the epidemic; progress and continued research to find new ways to prevent HIV infection and, ultimately, a cure; and the many remaining challenges.
For more information, visit
Thirty Years of HIV/AIDS: A Personal Journey
- National Advisory Research Resources Council - May 2011
- - National Center for Research Resources (2011/06/01)
- - Category : National Advisory Research Resources Council
- The May 17, 2011, meeting of the National Advisory Research Resources Council will feature presentations on two of NCRR s new Biomedical Technology Research Centers and the Link Animal Models to Human DIsease (LAMHDI) initiative. In addition, NCRR staff members will present updates on core consolidation and construction activities.
For more information, visit: http://www.ncrr.nih.gov/about_us/advisory_council/
National Advisory Research Resources Council - May 2011
- National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council - May 2011
- - NIDCR (2011/06/01)
- - Category : National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council
- The mission of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) includes the support of basic, clinical and translational research as well as the support of research training and the development of research careers. To help achieve the goals of the NIDCR, the National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council (NADCRC) has the responsibility of advising, consulting with and making recommendations to the Secretary, DHHS, and the Director, NIDCR, on matters relating to the directions of research, research support, training and career development supported by the Institute. Included in this responsibility is the conduct of the secondary review of research grant applications with a focus on NIDCR scientific program priorities and program balance as well as the conduct of research by the Division of Intramural Research, NIDCR.
National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council - May 2011
- Aligning Outcome Measures for Assessing Disease Status and Treatment Impact with Those for Assessing Quality Performance: Dementia as a Case Study
- - Convened by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) & Critical Path Institute (C-Path) (2011/06/01)
- - Category : Special
- Background: To achieve healthcare reforms goals of improved healthcare quality and efficiency, it is important to understand the impact treatments and services have on patient outcomes. Yet, we have only begun to develop valid and reliable measures for these purposes. In the area of Alzheimer???s Disease, there are a number of notable examples of measurement-development work underway:
Patient-reported outcomes (PRO,
Quality performance, and
Updating Diagnostic Recommendations for Alzheimer???s disease
For more information, visit http://www.fnih.org/
Aligning Outcome Measures for Assessing Disease Status and Treatment Impact with Those for Assessing Quality Performance: Dementia as a Case Study
- Challenging Depression: New Insights into Research and Treatment
- - (1) Carlos A. Zarate, Jr, MD, Chief, Experimental Therapeutics and Pathophysiology Branch, NIMH (2) Jennifer Lanier Payne, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins Medicine (3) David T. George, MD, Suburban Hospital Psychiatrist and Associate Medical Director of ECT Services (2011/06/01)
- - Category : Medicine for the Public
- Medicine for the Public
For more information, visit: http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/mfp.shtml
Challenging Depression: New Insights into Research and Treatment
- Frontiers in Intravital Microscopy (Day 2)
- - NIDCR (2011/05/28)
- - Category : Conferences
- Intravital microscopy has developed into an exciting and powerful technique whose potential has not yet been fully explored. The goal of this symposium is to educate investigators within the NIH intramural community about this technique and its potential applicability to their work.
The symposium will focus on the state-of-the-art of intravital microscopy in different areas of biomedical sciences such as cell biology, immunology, neuroscience, stem cells and tumor biology. The program includes two days of lectures from top scientists in the field, which is open to the NIH intramural community.
John J. Condeelis (Einstein Coll. of Medicine), Peter Friedl (NCMLS Nijmegen (NL)), Dai Fukumura (Mass General Hospital), Xingde Li (Johns Hopkins University ), Michael J. Levene (Yale School of engineering), Roberto Weigert (NIH-NIDCR), Marshall H. Montrose (University of Cincinnati) John J. Lemasters, University South Carolina
For more information, visit
Frontiers in Intravital Microscopy (Day 2)
- From the Genetic Code to the Genetic Code
- - Eric Lander , Ph.D., President and Director of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT (2011/05/28)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Annual Marshall Nirenberg Lecture - 2011
The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Eric Lander , Ph.D., President and Director of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Professor of Biology at MIT and Professor of Systems Biology at Harvard, will present the first annual Marshall Nirenberg Lecture on May 20, 2011. From the Genetic Code to the Genetic Code
From the Genetic Code to the Genetic Code
- NIH 39th Annual Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance (NIH Only)
- - Dr. Flossie Wong-Staal, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder, iTherx Pharmaceuticals (2011/05/28)
- - Category : Asian/Pacific Islander Observance (NIH Only)
- NIH Annual Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance Theme: Leadership, Diversity, Empowerment and Beyond
NIH 39th Annual Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance (NIH Only)
- - Hazel Osborn, MA, LifeWork Strategies Inc. (2011/05/28)
- - Category : Parenting
- Taking on the role of a caregiver for a parent can be a rewarding yet overwhelming experience. This seminar will focus on how to identify your aging parents or relatives needs and successfully communicate with them on a variety of sensitive topics.
Acrobat Slides
For more information, visit http://does.ors.od.nih.gov/childcare/
- Workplace Ergonomic Tips for a Safe Work Environment (NIH Only)
- - Lt. Jeremy Mason (2011/05/27)
- - Category : Occupational Health & Safety Lectures (NIH Only)
- DOHS Seminar Series
Laboratory Ergonomics
The topic will feature laboratory ergonomics by LT Jeremy Mason from the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS). LT Mason will provide tips on how to set up your lab environment to avoid neck, arm, or back discomfort while working in the lab.
LT. Jeremy Mason is an Environmental Health Officer in the U.S. Public Health Service with over five years of experience in the field of ergonomics. As an industrial hygienist for the NIH, LT Mason manages the DOHS Ergonomics Program, provides individual ergonomic assessments and group trainings.
He holds a Master of Public Health degree in Environmental Health/Global Health and is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS).
The seminar series is sponsored by the Office of Research Services, Division of Occupational Health and Safety, in partnership with the Division of Amenities and Transportation Services Wellness Program.
Workplace Ergonomic Tips for a Safe Work Environment (NIH Only)
- AFMS CTSA Collaboration Workshop: Opportunities in Translational Science Research/ Enabling New Research for Patient Centered Outcomes, Applied Informatics, and PharmacoEconomics
- - NIHs NCRR and CTSA program and the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) (2011/05/26)
- - Category : Conferences
- NIHs National Center for Research Resources Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program and the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) will sponsor a one-day symposium on 13 May 2011 designed to encourage collaboration and resource sharing among members of the MHS and the CTSA consortium.
The AFMS CTSA Collaboration Symposium: Opportunities in Translational Science will convene a meeting on May 13, 2011 to encourage collaborations of the Health Services Data Warehouse (HSDW), Veteran???s Administration (VA), Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Consortium, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and academic research experts to discuss collaborative research opportunities and ways to share data resources.
AFMS CTSA Collaboration Workshop: Opportunities in Translational Science Research/ Enabling New Research for Patient Centered Outcomes, Applied Informatics, and PharmacoEconomics
- Towards bridging the genotype-phenotype gap -- systems level dissection of the impact of variation in DNA sequence and structure on gene expression
- - Teresa Przytycka, Ph.D., NCBI/NLM/NIH (2011/05/26)
- - Category : NIH Directors Seminars
- Directors Seminar Series
The research in Teresa Przytycka???s group focuses on computational modeling and analysis of properties of biomolecules on sequence, structure, and network levels. She is particularly interested in modeling of dynamical changes in such properties, exploring how variations in sequence, structure, and cellular context impact gene expression, gene function, the topology of the biomolecular network, and the phenotype of the organism. Using systems biology approaches, her group also strives to understand the emergence of complex disease phenotypes, such as cancer, to identify molecular pathways dys-regulated in diseases, and to develop computational methods for detecting causal genetic mutations
Towards bridging the genotype-phenotype gap -- systems level dissection of the impact of variation in DNA sequence and structure on gene expression
- Nucleus accumbens hedonic hot spot: A new strategy for unraveling its neural circuitry
- - Larry W. Swanson, Ph.D, University of Southern California (2011/05/26)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
The Swanson lab is interested in the organization of neural networks that control motivated behavior in mammals. Specifically, research in Swanson???s lab has examined hypothalamic organization, has clarified the organization and neurotransmitter specificity of brainstem reflex inputs to the hypothalamus, and has addressing cerebral hemisphere inputs to the hypothalamus that mediate the voluntary control of motivated behaviors common to all animals (ingestive, reproductive, and defensive). More recently, Swansons group has characterized functionally relevant changes in gene expression patterns in the brain. The approach is mostly structural, and to display and model results he is developing computer graphics and database approaches.
For more information, visit: http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov
Nucleus accumbens hedonic hot spot: A new strategy for unraveling its neural circuitry
- Schizophrenia: Genetics and Beyond
- - Michael Owen, M.D., Ph.D., Cardiff University, United Kingdom (2011/05/26)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr.Owen is the Director of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute. His main interest is in the genetics of major psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. He is closely involved in research programmes on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer???s disease, ADHD and depression, and in the relationship between 22q11 deletions and psychosis. His most recent research activities have focused on the translation of genetic findings into benefit for patients though research on disease mechanisms, classification and diagnosis as well as in public engagement and communication.
He is the current Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology in the School of Medicine and Deputy Head of the School of Medicine. As Head of the Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology he oversaw the department becoming the UKs best in the latest Research Assessment Exercise. He is also the Director of the Medical Research Council???s Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics. His work uses a combination of molecular genetic approaches including genome-wide association, copy number variant analysis and second generation sequencing to identify the specific genetic variants that confer risk to psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. He is increasingly interested in the impact of genetic discoveries on the understanding of disease mechanisms and classification.
For more information, visit: http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov
Schizophrenia: Genetics and Beyond
- Interviewing Skills
- - Lori Conlan, PhD, OITE (2011/05/26)
- - Category : Career Development/OITE
- In this highly interactive workshop, we will share advice and strategies for interviewing successfully for positions in all job sectors. Topics will include interviewing skills, meeting interviewers expectations, communicating responses with confidence, and preparing effectively for the interview.
For more information, visit: http://www.training.nih.gov
Interviewing Skills
- NINR/NIH-CC Joint Conference: Symptom Mechanisms, Measurement, and Management
- - NINR and the NIH-CC (2011/05/25)
- - Category : Conferences
- On May 12, 2011, the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center (CC) are cosponsoring a joint conference on Symptom Mechanisms, Measurement, and Management.
This free, one-day event will take place at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Distinguished guest speakers from across the country will present lectures on a variety of symptom-related topics. Attendees will gain a foundation in symptom mechanisms, measurement, and management, particularly those associated with chronic illnesses such as cancer and sickle cell disease.
The conference is part of the NINR???s series of anniversary events commemorating the Institute???s first 25 years at NIH and the contributions of nursing science to solving some of America???s most important health challenges.
The speakers in this course will include nationally and internationally known symptom scientists from various institutions including the NIH and universities across the United States. The conference is jointly sponsored by NINR and the NIH-CC. Portions of this event have been made possible by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, with generous support by Pfizer Inc.
For more information, visit: http://www.ninr.nih.gov/SymptomConf
NINR/NIH-CC Joint Conference: Symptom Mechanisms, Measurement, and Management
- Frontiers in Intravital Microscopy (Day 1)
- - NIDCR (2011/05/24)
- - Category : Conferences
- Intravital microscopy has developed into an exciting and powerful technique whose potential has not yet been fully explored. The goal of this symposium is to educate investigators within the NIH intramural community about this technique and its potential applicability to their work.
The symposium will focus on the state-of-the-art of intravital microscopy in different areas of biomedical sciences such as cell biology, immunology, neuroscience, stem cells and tumor biology. The program includes two days of lectures from top scientists in the field, which is open to the NIH intramural community.
John J. Condeelis (Einstein Coll. of Medicine), Peter Friedl (NCMLS Nijmegen (NL)), Dai Fukumura (Mass General Hospital), Xingde Li (Johns Hopkins University ), Michael J. Levene (Yale School of engineering), Roberto Weigert (NIH-NIDCR), Marshall H. Montrose (University of Cincinnati) John J. Lemasters, University South Carolina
For more information, visit
Frontiers in Intravital Microscopy (Day 1)
- Leptin action on non-neuronal cells in the Central Nervous System. Potential clinical implications
- - Dr. Weihong Pan (2011/05/22)
- - Category : Brain & Obesity
- Brain and Obesity lecture
Leptin action on non-neuronal cells in the Central Nervous System. Potential clinical implications
- (1) Hper IgE Syndrome: Looking Beyond the Face of Job (2) Hyper IgE Syndrome: From Wound Healing to Cell Reprogramming
- - (1) Alexandra Freeman, MD, Staff Clinician, Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases, NIAID (2) Manfred Boehm, MD, Investigator, Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, NHLBI (2011/05/21)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- CC Grand Rounds
For more information, visit: http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html
(1) Hper IgE Syndrome: Looking Beyond the Face of Job (2) Hyper IgE Syndrome: From Wound Healing to Cell Reprogramming
- From Carrots to Cataracts: A tour of your eyes in sickness and in health (and how to keep them healthy)
- - Rachel J. Bishop, M.D., M.P.H, National Eye Institute, NIH (2011/05/21)
- - Category : Focus on You Wellness
- Focus on You Wellness Lecture Series in support of Eye Health
From Carrots to Cataracts: A tour of your eyes in sickness and in health (and how to keep them healthy)