- Infection, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Disease and Immunosenescence Among AmerIndians in Lowland Bolivia
- - Hillard S. Kaplan, PhD (2011/04/28)
- - Category : BSSR Lecture Series
- The basic biology of the human cardiovascular and immune systems, and of glucose and lipid metabolism evolved under conditions of much greater energetic stress and pathogen burden than currently exist in the U.S and other developed countries. This talk focuses on two issues. The first is what can be learned about aging-related diseases by investigating cardiovascular health and disease, inflammation and immunosenescence, and energy metabolism in populations that currently live under conditions of basic subsistence, low energy balance and high pathogen load, without significant access to markets and public health.
The second concerns possible solutions to the methodological challenges associated with conducting in-depth biological investigations in the context of population-level field research. To illustrate these issues, findings from on-going longitudinal research with Tsimane forager-farmers in Bolivia are presented. Initial results suggest that the role of inflammation in vascular and heart disease depends on energy balance and exercise. In addition, the roles of low- and high- density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL) in health and disease may also depend on energy balance and pathogen burden. With respect to immune function, chronic exposure to infectious disease throughout life appears to accelerate both immune system development and immunosenescence.
Combining health care provision with research is an especially productive means of conducting both laboratory-based and population-level epidemiological investigations in developing world settings.
Infection, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Disease and Immunosenescence Among AmerIndians in Lowland Bolivia
- Autism Awareness Month: Advances in Treatment Research
- - Dr. Sue Swedo, M.D. (2011/04/28)
- - Category : Special
- The National Institute of Mental Health is hosting a lecture in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services month-long focus on raising autism awarenss. Join us for this discussion on recent advances in autism research.
Autism Awareness Month: Advances in Treatment Research
- Bringing Methods to the Madness: The Evolution of Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine Research at the NIH
- - Eric Boyle, PhD. Stetten Postdoctoral Fellow, Office of History, NIH & Jack Killen, MD. Deputy Director, NCCAM, NIH (2011/04/26)
- - Category : NCCAM Lectures
- The Complementary and Integrative Medicine Consult Service Lecture Series Sponsored by NCCAM Provides NIH Clinical Center Staff with Opportunities to Learn more about How the Integration of Various Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatments Can Affect Approaches in the Research and Practice for Medicine
Bringing Methods to the Madness: The Evolution of Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine Research at the NIH
- Intrathymic Signaling Events Leading to the NKT Lineage
- - Albert Bendelac (2011/04/26)
- - Category : Immunology
Intrathymic Signaling Events Leading to the NKT Lineage
- Medicine Dish: Medicaid and Medicare Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives
- - Kitty Marx, Tribal Affairs Group, CMS (2011/04/24)
- - Category : CMS - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- A panel of research experts will discuss:
- Medicare and Medicaid data currently available
- How this data is being used to improve IHS-funded health care and improve the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives
- How you can access and use Medicare and Medicaid data
Medicine Dish: Medicaid and Medicare Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Demystifying Medicine - Prostate Cancer: Challenge in mechanism and treatment (NIH Only)
- - James Gulley (NCI), Kathleen Kelly (NCI) and Paul Hynes (NCI) (2011/04/23)
- - Category : Demystifying Medicine
- This event will include the presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy context of major disease problems and current research.
The course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components presented by NIH staff and invitees. These seminar series are primarily directed toward PhD students, clinicians and program managers. All students, fellows and staff are welcome, as well.
For more information, visit
Demystifying Medicine - Prostate Cancer: Challenge in mechanism and treatment (NIH Only)
- Focus on You Wellness Lecture: Bicycle Commuting and Safety Tips
- - Presented by BicycleSPACE (2011/04/23)
- - Category : Focus on You Wellness
- Focus on you wellness lecture on bicycle commuting and safety tips
Focus on You Wellness Lecture: Bicycle Commuting and Safety Tips
- Structural Biology: Achievements and Challenges
- - Dr. Johann Deisenhofer (2011/04/23)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
For more information, visit
The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series
Structural Biology: Achievements and Challenges
- Workshop on Long-term Preservation & Management of Electronic Health Records (Day 2)
- - National Library of Medicine, Department of Veteran Affairs, National Archives and Records Administration, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- Electronic health-related patient information is vital for clinical care and medical research. However, systems interoperability for preservation, storage, and accessibility of such health data have not yet been defined.
Clinical data in digital form represents a digital library, and inherits all the same administration and technical issues faced by digital libraries in other fields:- what to retain and for how long
- how to handle obsolescence of hardware and software
- interchange of information
- costs
- assignment of responsibility
- standards
Replacing lost data even if possible, will entail huge costs for patients, clinicians, administrators, pharmacists, and potentially, the entire countrys economy.
For more information, visit:
Workshop on Long-term Preservation & Management of Electronic Health Records (Day 2)
- New Signaling Paradigms for Seven Transmembrane Receptors
- - ROBERT J. LEFKOWITZ MD (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Special
- The seven transmembrane receptors, also known as G protein coupled receptors, represent the largest of the several families of plasma membrane receptors, comprising more than a thousand genes and regulating virtually all known physiological processes in mammals. They represent one of the commonest targets of currently used drugs.
New Signaling Paradigms for Seven Transmembrane Receptors
- Handheld User Group Expo 2011
- - NIH Handheld User Group, NIH CIT, and NIH Library (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- This event will feature 25 vendors representing the latest in mobile technologies, carriers, website/app developers, and research/clinical applications. In addition to the Expo, a series of mobile-related presentations will be held in the Masur Auditorium from 9:30am-2pm and several in-depth developer sessions will be held in parallel from 10am-2:30pm in the NIH Library training room.
For more information, visit:
Handheld User Group Expo 2011
- Hepatitis E: An Emerging Infectious Disease
- - Jay H. Hoofnagle, MD, Director, Liver Disease Research Branch, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, NIDDK (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- Contemporary Clinical Medicine: Great Teachers Lecture Series
For more information, visit:
Hepatitis E: An Emerging Infectious Disease
- Epigenetic Regulation of Epithelial Cancer Cell Invasive Growth
- - Dr. Cun-Yu Wang (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
For more information, visit:
Epigenetic Regulation of Epithelial Cancer Cell Invasive Growth
- Neuroinflammation as an early event and prime mover in Alzheimers disease
- - Terrence Town (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Immunology
- The Immunology Interest Group Lectures
For more information, visit:
The Immunology Interest Group
Neuroinflammation as an early event and prime mover in Alzheimers disease
- DDM Seminar Series: Talent Talk: The Art & Science of Retention, Engagement & Development (NIH Only)
- - Beverly Kaye, CEO of Career Systems International and a best-selling author on workplace performance (2011/04/22)
- - Category : DDM Seminar Series (NIH Only)
- Click here to respond to a survey about this DDM Seminar. Information will be used to evaluate the program and improve future seminars. On behalf of Colleen Barros, Deputy Director for Management (DDM), the NIH Training Center is pleased to announce the 3rd seminar of the 2010-2011 DDM Seminar Series featuring Dr. Beverly Kaye! She will address the NIH community in a presentation about employee engagement and retention, titled Talent Talk: The Art & Science of Retention, Engagement & Development.
Dr. Beverly Kaye is an internationally recognized authority on career issues and retention and engagement in the workplace. She was named a Legend by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) ??? a designation given to pioneers and prophets in the field of workplace learning and performance. Dr. Kaye has also been named by Leadership Excellence as one of North Americas 100 top thought leaders.
As founder and CEO of Career Systems International, and a best-selling author on workplace performance, Dr. Kaye has worked with a host of organizations to establish cutting-edge, award-winning talent development solutions. Her first book, Up is Not the Only Way, became a classic. This book made use of extensive research in what causes people to leave or stay.
With the fourth edition of Love Em or Lose Em: Getting Good People to Stay, a best-seller she coauthored, Dr. Kaye once again proved to be a pioneer in addressing one of the most pressing workplace problems of the 21st century: retaining and engaging employees. Love Em or Lose Em holds managers accountable for keeping their best people and provides practical strategies to assist them in fulfilling that responsibility. In her follow-up companion best seller, Love it, Dont Leave it: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work, Dr. Kaye and her coauthor show employees how they can find greater satisfaction in their current work lives.
She holds a doctorate from UCLA, and completed graduate work at the Sloan School of Management at MIT.
During this presentation, Dr. Kaye addresses the following key topics:- The importance of employee engagement and retention
- Strategies to improve employee engagement and retention
- The leader???s role in retention
DDM Seminar Series: Talent Talk: The Art & Science of Retention, Engagement & Development (NIH Only)
- The Path To HIV Vaccine Development
- - Barton F. Haynes, M.D., Duke University Medical Center (2011/04/22)
- - Category : James C. Hill
- James C. Hill Memorial Lecture 2011
Barton F. Haynes, M.D.
Director, Duke Human Vaccine Institute
Frederic M. Hanes Professor of Medicine and Immunology
Duke University Medical Center
The Path To HIV Vaccine Development
- Neural mechanisms underlying visual perception
- - Dr. David Leopold (2011/04/22)
- - Category : NIH Directors Seminars
- Directors Seminar Series
Neural mechanisms underlying visual perception
- Analog Signaling in the Brain
- - Craig Jahr, Ph.D. (2011/04/22)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
For more information, visit:
Analog Signaling in the Brain
- ORS Directors Brown Bag Lunch Series(NIH Only)
- - Dr. Alfred Johnson - Colleen Broder (2011/04/22)
- - Category : NIH Only
- ORS Directors Brown Bag Lunch Series
ORS Directors Brown Bag Lunch Series(NIH Only)
- Edward Nagy New Investigator Symposium (NIH Only)
- - NIBIB (2011/04/21)
- - Category : NIH Only
- The first "NIBIB Edward C. Nagy New Investigator Symposium" will take place at the Lister Hill Auditorium on April 12, 2011. The Symposium will feature eight new investigators who have demonstrated outstanding, fresh, and innovative work in their fields. The Symposium will showcase to the NIH community the exciting research being conducted at the convergence of the life, physical, and engineering sciences by these early stage investigators.
Edward Nagy New Investigator Symposium (NIH Only)