전체 8345
  • Development of NKT Cells
    • - Bendelac, Albert.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Immunology Interest Group. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Immunology

    Development of NKT Cells

  • Celebrating Plain Language at the NIH Award Ceremony 2007
    • - Rubin, Rita.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special

    Celebrating Plain Language at the NIH Award Ceremony 2007

  • Evolution and Gender
    • - Roughgarden, Joan.
      National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Evolution and Medicine

    Evolution and Gender

  • Symptom Management of Cancer-Related Nutritional Problems (NIH-Only)
    • - Brown, Jean K.
      National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)

    Symptom Management of Cancer-Related Nutritional Problems (NIH-Only)

  • Children in Crisis - Voices from the Holocaust (HHS-Only)
    • - Lawrence-Israels, Louise.
      United States. Dept. of Health and Human Services. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only

    Children in Crisis - Voices from the Holocaust (HHS-Only)

  • DNA Repair and Mutagenesis of ROS-Generated Lesions
    • - Moriya, Masaaki.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.). DNA Repair Interest Group. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : DNA Repair

    DNA Repair and Mutagenesis of ROS-Generated Lesions

  • Demystifying Medicine - Diabetes: New Clinical and Basic Dimensions
    • - Gorden, Phillip.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Demystifying Medicine

    Demystifying Medicine - Diabetes: New Clinical and Basic Dimensions

  • Asymetric Development of the Brain - From Genes to Behavior
    • - Wilson, S.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Neuroscience

    Asymetric Development of the Brain - From Genes to Behavior

  • Training on Sex (Gender), Race and Ethnicity Inclusion in Research Studies (HHS Only)
    • - NIH (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    OER presents NIH Staff training on Inclusion

    Designed to help you better understand inclusion policy and how to implement it, this OER-sponsored training event will focus on the roles of NIH staff members, peer reviewers and investigators in meeting inclusion policy requirements. A policy overview, its implementation and staff responsibilities and procedures will be covered during the session. The course will train you in how to advise investigators to do advance planning to enable their study to succeed while complying with the regulations. The session will feature case study discussions with separate breakout groups for program, review and grants/contracts management staff and their respective support personnel.

    For more information, visit

    Training on Sex (Gender), Race and Ethnicity Inclusion in Research Studies (HHS Only)

  • TGF-beta Signaling in Development and Cancer
    • - Ying Zhang, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, NCI (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Director's Seminars
    NIH Director's Seminar Series

    For more information, visit
    2006-2007 Director's Seminar Series

    TGF-beta Signaling in Development and Cancer

  • Structural and Chemical Genomics of Human Protein Families
    • - Arrowsmith, Cheryl Hillock.
      Structural Genomics Consortium. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Proteomics

    Structural and Chemical Genomics of Human Protein Families

  • The Many Guises and Disguises of Follicular Lymphoma
    • - Jaffe, Elaine Sarkin.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Women's Health

    The Many Guises and Disguises of Follicular Lymphoma

  • Signaling to Transcription: The Calcium Calcineurin NFAT Pathway in T Cells
    • - Rao, Anjana.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Immunology

    Signaling to Transcription: The Calcium Calcineurin NFAT Pathway in T Cells

  • Evolution and Cooperation
    • - Strassmann, Joan.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Evolution and Medicine

    Evolution and Cooperation

  • Practical Guidelines in Obtaining Patents (HHS Only)
    • - Jeremy Jay, Ph.D., J.D. and John Kilyk, J.D.,Leydig, Voit & Mayer (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    This presentation will provide an introduction to patents, and discuss practical strategies for obtaining patents. Additionally, the presentation will discuss what types of experiments provide useful information for a patent application, discuss when it is appropriate to publicize (e.g., in a publication, or at a meeting) an inventor???s research, and provide helpful guidelines for handling lab records.

    Practical Guidelines in Obtaining Patents (HHS Only)

  • DDM Seminar Series - Management and Science: Partnering for Excellence
    • - Robert Kriegel, Ph.D. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    This seminar series is one of the many efforts at the NIH in striving for management excellence and is designed to bring outstanding speakers to the NIH to discuss leadership and administrative management topics. It will also provide the administrative and scientific communities with the opportunity to meet with each other to discuss and exchange ideas on the topics presented.

    Dr. Robert Kriegel is the author of the national bestseller, If It Ain???t Broke???BREAK IT!, and has been called by the U.S. News & World Report one of this country???s leading authorities in the field of change and human performance. His book, Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, made Business Week???s best-seller list in its first month! His latest book, How to Succeed in Business Without Working so Damn Hard, focuses on innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. Dr. Kriegel is a commentator on NPR???s Marketplace and has recently made two specials for PBS


    DDM Seminar Series - Management and Science: Partnering for Excellence

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Central Nervous System in Experimental Animals
    • - Pirko, Istvan. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Infectious Disease Imaging

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Central Nervous System in Experimental Animals

  • Great Teachers - Influenza: Past Pandemics and Future Threats
    • - Taubenberger, Jeffery.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds

    Great Teachers - Influenza: Past Pandemics and Future Threats

  • The Potential of Thundergod Vine in Cancer Research
    • - Dr. Peter Lipsky, NIAMS (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : OCCAM Monthly Lecture Series
    With the goal of informing the National Cancer Institute (NCI) community about the variety of ongoing research in cancer and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), NCI's Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) has created a monthly lecture series on cancer CAM. These lectures will feature a fifty minute presentation on a cancer CAM topic and allow ten minutes for questions.

    For more information, visit

    The Potential of Thundergod Vine in Cancer Research

  • Ethical Issues in International Research - 2006 (Session 6)
    • - Higgs, Elizabeth.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Bioethics

    Ethical Issues in International Research - 2006 (Session 6)