- New Aspects of NFkappaB and STAT Activation and Function in Cancer and Inflammation
- - Stark, George R.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- - Stark, George R.
New Aspects of NFkappaB and STAT Activation and Function in Cancer and Inflammation
- Antibodies and their Receptors
- - Jeffrey Ravetch (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Immunology
- The Immunology Interest Group (IIG) organizes activities designed to promote information exchange and interactions among NIH scientists interested in the field of immunology, broadly defined. Interactions are facilitated via weekly meetings on current topics as well as an annual Immunology Retreat.
For more information, visit
The Immunology Interest Group
Antibodies and their Receptors
- Symptom Clusters: The New Frontier in Symptom Management Research (NIH-Only)
- - Miaskowski, Christine.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Miaskowski, Christine.
Symptom Clusters: The New Frontier in Symptom Management Research (NIH-Only)
- Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Disease: Scientific Basis and Early Clinical Trial Results
- - Douglas Losordo, MD, Tufts University School of Medicine (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Stem Cell
- The Stem Cell Interest Group was established to enhance communication and to foster collaboration among scientists from varying disciplines interested in stem cells. Topics of interest include fundamental stem cell biology, ontogeny, gerontology, and the therapeutic potential of stem cells. The SCIG serves as an open forum for discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all aspects of stem cell biology
For more information, visit
Adult Stem Cell Therapy for Ischemic Disease: Scientific Basis and Early Clinical Trial Results
- Second Annual NIH Director's Pioneer Award Symposium
- - NIH (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
- The NIH Director??s Pioneer Award program, launched in 2004 as part of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, supports exceptionally creative scientists who take highly innovative approaches to major challenges in biomedical research. First announced in Fiscal Year 2004, nine awards were made in September 2004, and 13 awards were made in 2005. The 13 investigators whose awards were announced in September 2005 describe their research progress in a series of presentations at the Second Annual NIH Director??s Pioneer Award Symposium. A poster session highlighting the work of the 2004 awardees will follow. The symposium also features the announcement of the 2006 Pioneer Award recipients.
Second Annual NIH Director's Pioneer Award Symposium
- Repair and Maintenance of Eroded Telomeres in Mice
- - Dr. Yie Liu, NIA (2010/03/04)
- - Category : DNA Repair
- The DNA Repair Interest Group is concerned with all forms of DNA damage and repair. As a major defense against environmental damage to cells DNA repair is present in all organisms examined including bacteria, yeast, drosophila, fish, amphibians, rodents and humans. The members of the DNA Repair Interest Group perform research in areas including DNA repair enzymology and fine structure, mutagenesis, gene and cell cycle regulation, protein structure, and human disease.
For more information, visit the
DNA Repair Interest Group
Repair and Maintenance of Eroded Telomeres in Mice
- Harnessing the Power of Graft Anti-tumor Activity after Bone Marrow Transplantation (NIH-Only)
- - Strober, Samuel.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Strober, Samuel.
Harnessing the Power of Graft Anti-tumor Activity after Bone Marrow Transplantation (NIH-Only)
- AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2006 (NIH Only)
- - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
For more information, visit
AIDS Research Advisory Committee - September 2006 (NIH Only)
- Administrative Strategies Forum: Eureka! We found IT (Innovative Technologies)! (HHS Only)
- - Staff Training in Extramural Programs (2010/03/04)
- - Category : HHS Only
- We're living in a time when scientific discoveries and technological innovation appear to occur at an exponential rate. But what is innovation? Is innovation cyclical or dependent on the presence of exceptionally creative individuals? What are the factors that influence or foster the adoption of new technologies that change current paradigms and challenge existing models? Why do some discoveries lead to landmark successes, while other discoveries fade into the background?
Join us as we look at innovation from perspectives of basic science, translation, and commercialization. Learn what NIH and others have done to foster innovation, and what more you and NIH can do to further develop and implement initiatives, policies, and practices that promote groundbreaking and innovative biomedical research. (Recommended for ESA Training Credit)
For more information, visit
Administrative Strategies Forum: Eureka! We found IT (Innovative Technologies)! (HHS Only)
- Resume Writing
- - The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Work/Life Center
- Does the thought of revising your resume (or writing a resume for the first time) overwhelm you? If so, this is the workshop for you! Attend this session and learn the fundamentals of resume writing and how to connect your skills, knowledge, and abilities to a future position.
For more information, visit
Resume Writing
- Ebola and Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever: Update on Pathogenesis and Therapy
- - Geisbert, Tom.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Emergency Preparedness and Biodefense
- - Geisbert, Tom.
Ebola and Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever: Update on Pathogenesis and Therapy
- Regulation of Production of IL-10 by T Cells, Macrophages and Dendritic Cells
- - O'Garra, Anne.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- - O'Garra, Anne.
Regulation of Production of IL-10 by T Cells, Macrophages and Dendritic Cells
- Great Teachers - Zoonoses: Where the Wild Things Are
- - Weinberg, Arnold N.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Weinberg, Arnold N.
Great Teachers - Zoonoses: Where the Wild Things Are
- Demystifying Medicine - Imaging: A New Frontier for Organs and Cells
- - Zerhouni, Elias A.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Demystifying Medicine
- - Zerhouni, Elias A.
Demystifying Medicine - Imaging: A New Frontier for Organs and Cells
- American Health Information Community - March 2006
- - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010/03/04)
- - Category : American Health Information Community (AHIC)
- The American Health Information Community (the Community), is a committee established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 5 U.S.C., App.), by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Community will advise the Secretary and recommend specific actions to achieve a common interoperability framework for health information technology (IT) and serve as a forum for participation from a broad range of stakeholders to provide input on achieving interoperability of health IT. The Community is made up of 17 voting members, including the Chair, and members have been appointed by the Secretary.
The Web address for the Community's draft charter is:
A complete list of members can be found at:
American Health Information Community - March 2006
- Clinical and Lifestyle Approaches to Cancer Prevention (NIH-Only)
- - Greenwald, Peter.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Greenwald, Peter.
Clinical and Lifestyle Approaches to Cancer Prevention (NIH-Only)
- Ionic Mechanisms of Spontaneous Activity in Central Neurons
- - Bean, Bruce.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Bean, Bruce.
Ionic Mechanisms of Spontaneous Activity in Central Neurons
- Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Pain
- - Dr. Srinivasa Raja, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2010/03/04)
- - Category : OCCAM Monthly Lecture Series
- NCI OCCAM Monthly Lecture Series
With the goal of informing the National Cancer Institute (NCI) community about the variety of ongoing research in cancer and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), NCI's Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) has created a monthly lecture series on cancer CAM. These hour long lectures will feature a fifty minute presentation on a cancer CAM topic and allow ten minutes for questions.
For more information, visit
Nutritional Supplements for Cancer Pain
- Great Teachers - Mysterious Cases
- - Tierney, Lawrence M.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Tierney, Lawrence M.
Great Teachers - Mysterious Cases
- A Default Mode of Brain Function: History of an Evolving Idea
- - Raichle, Marcus E.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- - Raichle, Marcus E.
A Default Mode of Brain Function: History of an Evolving Idea