- Cancer and Aging: Rival Demons?
- - Judith Campisi, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Age is the largest single risk factor for the development of cancer. Recent findings suggest that the relationship between age and cancer incidence -- and, indeed, the incidence of many age-related diseases -- is not simply a matter of time. Rather, some of the powerful mechanisms that evolved to keep cancer at bay may, at advance ages, fuel age-related pathology.
For more information, visit
The NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Cancer and Aging: Rival Demons?
- Retirement Seminar for NIH Employees (NIH Only)
- - Bob MacKinnon and Paula Gradwell (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- Bob MacKinnon of the Benefits and Payroll Liaison Branch along with Paula Gradwell of the Thrift Investment Board will be presenting an overview of the Civil Service and Federal Employees Retirement Systems. An overview of the Social Security System will be included.
Paula Gradwell from the Thrift Investment Board will be talking about your TSP options at retirement.
Retirement Seminar for NIH Employees (NIH Only)
- Life Cycle of Human Papilloma Viruses in Differentiating Epithelia
- - Laimonis A. Laimins, Ph.D., Northwestern University (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- The productive life cycle of human papillomaviruses is dependent upon epithelial differentiation with synthesis of new virions restricted to highly differentiated suprabasal cells. Papillomaviruses are small DNA viruses that induce a variety of proliferative lesions in humans. Of the 100 types of human papillomaviruses that have been identified, a subset are associated at a high frequency with anogenital cancers and these are referred to as the high risk types Viral infection occurs into stratified epithelial cells and results in an altered pattern of differentiation from that seen in normal cells.
For more information, visit
The NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Life Cycle of Human Papilloma Viruses in Differentiating Epithelia
- Through the Looking Glass: Future of Medicine & Building Mark Hatfield Clinical Research Center
- - Frasca, Robert J.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Medicine for the Public
- - Frasca, Robert J.
Through the Looking Glass: Future of Medicine & Building Mark Hatfield Clinical Research Center
- NCI Science Writer's Seminar: Cancer and the Environment
- - Longfellow, David.
National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Special
- - Longfellow, David.
NCI Science Writer's Seminar: Cancer and the Environment
- Hispanic Heritage Month 2004 - Part 2
- - Victor Marquez and Carlos Caban (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Special
- Fifth NIH Hispanic Scientist Day (5thNHSD)
This event seeks to promote and showcase the contributions of the Hispanic and Hispanic-American scientists at NIH, FDA-CBER, and USHUS.
One of the main purposes of this activity is to foster communication and interaction among post-doctoral fellows, students and interns with senior scientists at NIH. It also provides an excellent opportunity to present and share your work with the rest of the NIH scientific community.
The Day's activities will start with Dr. Victor Marquez, Chief Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, presenting ???Zebularine: A Molecule Destined for Clinical Trials as a Candidate for Cancer Epigenetic Therapy. The Magic of its Chemistry and Biology???, followed by a brief presentation by Dr. Carlos Caban, NIH Extramural Programs Policy Officer from the Office of the Director, titled ???Opportunities for NIH extramural funding???.
Hispanic Heritage Month 2004 - Part 2
- Genetic Mechanism of Dominant Tolerance
- - Rudensky, Alexander.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Rudensky, Alexander.
Genetic Mechanism of Dominant Tolerance
- Great Teachers: How Far Away is the Future for Patients with Lupus?
- - Hahn, Bevra.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Hahn, Bevra.
Great Teachers: How Far Away is the Future for Patients with Lupus?
- History of and Framework for Human Subject Research - Session 1
- - John Gallin, Ezekiel Emanuel, John Arras and Christine Grady (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Bioethics
- Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research
Department of Clinical Bioethics
This course is designed to provide a historical context for research regulations and to help researchers and others working in human subject research gain insights and skills into the development of research protocols and their ethical implementation.
For more information, visit
History of and Framework for Human Subject Research - Session 1
- Chemokine Receptors in Organ-Selective Cancer Metastasis (NIH-Only)
- - Sam T. Hwang, M.D., Ph.D., Center for Cancer Research, NCI (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- Center for Cancer Research - National Cancer Institute Grand Rounds
The primary educational objective of these seminars is to provide new information, ideas, and discussion about timely areas of research with impact on the field of oncology. A secondary educational objective is to elicit participation by individuals from all divisions of the intramural NCI, and thus facilitate more interactions among investigators and groups in the NCI.
Chemokine Receptors in Organ-Selective Cancer Metastasis (NIH-Only)
- NBS Travel Planner and Reviewer Meeting - May 2005 (NIH Only)
- - Terry Chester, NBS (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- NBS Travel HPOC seminar for planners
NBS Travel Planner and Reviewer Meeting - May 2005 (NIH Only)
- Stem Cell Seminar Series: Lineage Specific Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
- - Gordon Keller, Ph. D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Stem Cell
- The Stem Cell Interest Group was established to enhance communication and to foster collaboration among scientists from varying disciplines interested in stem cells. Topics of interest include fundamental stem cell biology, ontogeny, gerontology, and the therapeutic potential of stem cells. The SCIG serves as an open forum for discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all aspects of stem cell biology
For more information, visit
Stem Cell Seminar Series: Lineage Specific Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells
- How IL-7 Maximizes T Cells Space and CD8 Coreceptor Expression
- - Hyun Park (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Immunology
- The Immunology Interest Group (IIG) organizes activities designed to promote information exchange and interactions among NIH scientists interested in the field of immunology, broadly defined. Interactions are facilitated via weekly meetings on current topics as well as an annual Immunology Retreat.
For more information, visit
The Immunology Interest Group
How IL-7 Maximizes T Cells Space and CD8 Coreceptor Expression
- Enhancing the Discipline of Clinical and Translational Research
- - National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
- Advances in basic and clinical sciences create opportunities for new treatments and cures for the 21 st Century. Yet, clinical and translational research has become increasingly difficult to perform. The NIH Roadmap Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise seeks to accelerate and strengthen the clinical and translational research process and is working toward improving the clinical research enterprise by establishing an integrated infrastructure that will better serve the evolving field of scientific discovery.
For more information, visit
Enhancing the Discipline of Clinical and Translational Research
- Keratinocyte Growth Factor: from Basic Research to Clinical Application (NIH-Only)
- - Jeffrey S. Rubin, M.D., Ph.D., NCI (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- Center for Cancer Research - National Cancer Institute Grand Rounds
The primary educational objective of these seminars is to provide new information, ideas, and discussion about timely areas of research with impact on the field of oncology. A secondary educational objective is to elicit participation by individuals from all divisions of the intramural NCI, and thus facilitate more interactions among investigators and groups in the NCI.
Please note - CCRNCI lectures are not archived and are available for viewing in real time only.
Keratinocyte Growth Factor: from Basic Research to Clinical Application (NIH-Only)
- Demystifying Medicine - Bipolar Disease
- - Husseini Manji, NIMH and Carlos Zarate, NIMH (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Demystifying Medicine
- The course includes presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, fellows, and staff, it is also of interest to medical students and clinicians. The course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components which are presented by NIH staff and outside invitees.
For more information, visit
Demystifying Medicine - Bipolar Disease
- Molecular Characterization of Episodic Disorders of the Nervous System
- - Ptacek, Louis J.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Ptacek, Louis J.
Molecular Characterization of Episodic Disorders of the Nervous System
- Advances in Uterine Leiomyoma Research (Day 2)
- - National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Office of Research on Women's Health. (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Women's Health
Advances in Uterine Leiomyoma Research (Day 2)
- HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Welcoming Ceremony
- - Leavitt, Michael O.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Special
- - Leavitt, Michael O.
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Welcoming Ceremony
- Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer
- - Langer, Robert S.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI Nanotechnology
- - Langer, Robert S.
Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer