- NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer CCNE Kick-off Meeting
- - NCI's Nanotechnology Alliance Kick-Off Meeting (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NCI Nanotechnology
NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer CCNE Kick-off Meeting
- American Health Information Community - November 2005
- - Mike Leavitt, Secretary of The Department of Health and Human Services (2010/03/04)
- - Category : American Health Information Community (AHIC)
- The American Health Information Community (the Community), is a committee established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. No. 92-463, 5 U.S.C., App.), by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Community will advise the Secretary and recommend specific actions to achieve a common interoperability framework for health information technology (IT) and serve as a forum for participation from a broad range of stakeholders to provide input on achieving interoperability of health IT. The Community is made up of 17 voting members, including the Chair, and members have been appointed by the Secretary.
The Web address for the Community's draft charter is:
A complete list of members can be found at:
American Health Information Community - November 2005
- TRACO - Prostate and Breast Cancer
- - Dahut, W.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : TRACO
- - Dahut, W.
TRACO - Prostate and Breast Cancer
- Using Genome Technologies to Find Biological Mechanisms in Cancer: Beyond Expression Profiling (NIH-Only)
- - Meltzer, Paul.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Meltzer, Paul.
Using Genome Technologies to Find Biological Mechanisms in Cancer: Beyond Expression Profiling (NIH-Only)
- National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity - November 2005
- - National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (U.S.). Meeting (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Advisory Boards
National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity - November 2005
- TRACO: HIV and Lung Cancer
- - Maldarelli, F.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : TRACO
- - Maldarelli, F.
TRACO: HIV and Lung Cancer
- Signal Transduction Events Regulating Chemotaxis
- - Carole A. Parent, Ph.D., NCI (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Director's Seminars
- NIH Director's Seminar Series
For more information, visit
2005-2006 Director's Seminar Series
Signal Transduction Events Regulating Chemotaxis
- The Calm Commuter: Strategies to Ease Your Daily Commute
- - The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Work/Life Center
- Long commutes, heavy traffic, poor road conditions, crowded metro trains-you may arrive at work or back at home feeling stressed. Raise your awareness of your personal commuter stress and learn strategies for attending to the road and responding to other drivers in a calm manner. Attend this seminar to assess the effect that commuting has on your life; analyze the factors that contribute to commuting stress; maximize the positive aspects of commuting; and, learn strategies to mitigate commuting stress.
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the ???Faces & Phases of Life??? seminar series for 2005.
For more information, visit
The Calm Commuter: Strategies to Ease Your Daily Commute
- When Should Pregnancy be an Exclusion from Clinical Research?
- - Steinbock, Bonnie.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Steinbock, Bonnie.
When Should Pregnancy be an Exclusion from Clinical Research?
- Brown Bag Seminar AO NBS Travel - November 2005 (NIH Only)
- - NBS (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- NBS Travel seminar
Brown Bag Seminar AO NBS Travel - November 2005 (NIH Only)
- New Appreciation of How the Immune System is Replenished
- - Kincade, Paul W.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Kincade, Paul W.
New Appreciation of How the Immune System is Replenished
- New Developments in Palliative Care Research
- - Eduardo Bruera, M.D., University of Texas (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Approximately 50% of patients with cancer die of progressive disease. These patients develop a number of devastating physical and psychosocial symptoms.
In recent years there has been increased emphasis on the appropriate assessment and management of the most common symptoms and on improved communication with patients and families. This presentation will address recent research on the assessment of different symptom complexes and the impact of assessment on symptom outcomes.
For more information, visit
New Developments in Palliative Care Research
- Current Topics in the Ethics of International Research - Session 8
- - Wertheimer, Alan.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Bioethics
- - Wertheimer, Alan.
Current Topics in the Ethics of International Research - Session 8
- Pre-Application Meeting for RFA-NS-05-005 - Centers of Excellence in Translational Human Stem Cell Research
- - NINDS, NHLBI, NIDDK and NIDCD (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Special
- Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Pre-Application Meeting for RFA-NS-05-005 - Centers of Excellence in Translational Human Stem Cell Research
- NIH State-of-the-Science Conference on Improving End-of-Life Care (Day 3)
- - NIH State-of-the-Science Conference on Improving End-of-Life Care (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
NIH State-of-the-Science Conference on Improving End-of-Life Care (Day 3)
- Great Teachers - Who Wants to be a Radiologist? Watch One at Work
- - Resnick, Donald.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Resnick, Donald.
Great Teachers - Who Wants to be a Radiologist? Watch One at Work
- Immune Surveillance and Immunological Danger
- - Rock, Ken.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Rock, Ken.
Immune Surveillance and Immunological Danger
- Deskercise
- - The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Work/Life Center
- Tired and stiff after a day at the computer? Join us to learn how you can use stretching and strengthening exercises throughout the day to improve your energy and your workday. This session will touch on ergonomics, help you analyze what type of activities are being done throughout the workday, and then cover how to deal with specific conditions and injuries such as carpal tunnel, neck pain, low back pain, headaches, and tension across shoulders.
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the seventh annual ???Faces & Phases of Life??? seminar series for fall 2004.
For more information, visit
- Mapping Memory Traces in the Fly Brain
- - Martin Heisenberg, Ph.D., University of W체rzburg, Germany (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Determining where associative memories are stored in the brain has been an area of active investigation for nearly a century. Karl Lashley's early conclusions, that memories are not localized, but instead are dispersed in the brain, are slowly yielding to modern approaches that have begun to show where certain types of memory reside. Memory has been studied in a variety of animal preparations, but some of the most detailed information on the spatial and temporal characteristics of learning come from research in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster.
For more information, visit
The NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Mapping Memory Traces in the Fly Brain
- Transcription Factors Involved in Th2 Cell Differentiation and Expansion
- - Zhu, Jeff.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Immunology Interest Group. (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Zhu, Jeff.
Transcription Factors Involved in Th2 Cell Differentiation and Expansion