- Regulation of Memory CD8+ T Cell Function During Viral Latency
- - Hendricks, Robert L.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Hendricks, Robert L.
Regulation of Memory CD8+ T Cell Function During Viral Latency
- Informed Consent and Children - Session 5
- - Wichman, Alison.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Bioethics
- - Wichman, Alison.
Informed Consent and Children - Session 5
- NIH Director's Awards Ceremony (HHS Only)
- - NIH (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Special
- The 2005 NIH Director???s Awards Ceremony will honor recipients for their superior performance and special efforts that have gone significantly beyond their regular duties. Awards will be presented in five categories: NIH Director???s Award, Director???s Award for Medical Research, NIH Mentoring Award, Commissioned Corps award and EEO awards.
NIH Director's Awards Ceremony (HHS Only)
- The Weapon Potential of a Microbe
- - Casadevall, Arturo.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Emergency Preparedness and Biodefense
- - Casadevall, Arturo.
The Weapon Potential of a Microbe
- Targeting Inflammation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NIH-Only)
- - Johnson, David H.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Johnson, David H.
Targeting Inflammation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NIH-Only)
- New GS Pay Administration Regulations (NIH Only)
- - Nancy Bagley, HHS (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- The goal of this information session will be to educate appropriate HHS HR staff on the key changes of the new regulations and provide simplified "how to" instructions on the new calculation requirements.
New GS Pay Administration Regulations (NIH Only)
- Stem Cells in Normal Mammary Development and Breast Cancer (NIH-Only)
- - Wicha, Max S.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Wicha, Max S.
Stem Cells in Normal Mammary Development and Breast Cancer (NIH-Only)
- Joint Meeting National Vaccine Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
- - NVAC & ACIP (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Advisory Boards
Joint Meeting National Vaccine Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
- Integrating Immunotherapy into Existing Cancer Therapies: Challenges and Opportunities (NIH-Only)
- - Mackall, Crystal.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Mackall, Crystal.
Integrating Immunotherapy into Existing Cancer Therapies: Challenges and Opportunities (NIH-Only)
- Stem Cell Seminar Series: Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells - An Update
- - Verfaillie, Catherine M.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Stem Cell
- - Verfaillie, Catherine M.
Stem Cell Seminar Series: Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells - An Update
- Surprising Prions: New Twists in the Tale of a Novel Infectious Agent
- - Ponte, Maya.
DeWitt Stetten, Jr. Museum of Medical Research. (2010/03/04) - - Category : Special
- - Ponte, Maya.
Surprising Prions: New Twists in the Tale of a Novel Infectious Agent
- Specificity with the ETS Family of DNA Binding Transcription Factors
- - Graves, Barbara.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Proteomics
- - Graves, Barbara.
Specificity with the ETS Family of DNA Binding Transcription Factors
- eOPF Employee Briefing (NIH Only)
- - Robert Spector (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
eOPF Employee Briefing (NIH Only)
- Brown Bag Seminar on NBS Sponsored Travel - June 2005 (NIH Only)
- - Terry Chester (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- NBS Travel seminar
Brown Bag Seminar on NBS Sponsored Travel - June 2005 (NIH Only)
- Human Obesity and Insulin Resistance: Lessons from Experiments of Nature
- - Stephen O'Rahilly, M.D., Cambridge University (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Obesity and insulin resistance are two major components of degenerative metabolic disease. By focusing our studies on humans with severe disturbances of insulin sensitivity and energy balance, we have discovered a number of previously unknown monogenic and oligogenic disorders. Such discoveries have advanced our understanding of the control of human insulin sensitivity and body weight and in one case, has led to a dramatically effective therapy, albeit for a rare disorder.
For more information, visit
The NIH Director's Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.
Human Obesity and Insulin Resistance: Lessons from Experiments of Nature
- NCI Board of Scientific Advisors - June 2005 (Day 2)
- - NCI Board of Scientific Advisors. Meeting 2005 : (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Advisory Boards
NCI Board of Scientific Advisors - June 2005 (Day 2)
- Molecular Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer with Translation to the Clinic (NIH-Only)
- - Minna, John.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : NCI CCR Grand Rounds (NIH Only)
- - Minna, John.
Molecular Pathogenesis of Lung Cancer with Translation to the Clinic (NIH-Only)
- NCI Board of Scientific Advisors - June 2005 (Day 1)
- - NCI Board of Scientific Advisors. Meeting 2005 : (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Advisory Boards
NCI Board of Scientific Advisors - June 2005 (Day 1)
- The Truth About Consequences: Effective Discipline Without Punishment
- - The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Work/Life Center
- When children misbehave, parents often resort to punishment or rewards to motivate better behavior. Learn how to use natural and logical consequences instead to foster learning and cooperation, rather than anger and rebellion.
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the ???Faces & Phases of Life??? seminar series for 2005.
For more information, visit
The Truth About Consequences: Effective Discipline Without Punishment
- What is Human Stereopsis Good For?
- - Suzanne P. McKee, Ph.D., Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- Because the two eyes are separated laterally by about 6 cm, each eye sees a slightly different view of the world. Visible features lying at different distances from the head are imaged at slightly different positions in each of the two eyes. These small differences in retinal positions, called disparities, are the basis of human stereopsis. In normal observers, features with different disparities appear at different depths. Disparity is, by no means, the only cue to depth. If you close one eye, the visible world does not flatten into a two-dimensional surface, so clearly there are other powerful sources of depth information. Moreover, roughly 5% of the human population has no or very weak stereopsis, yet these stereo-blind individuals function well in natural environments.
For more information, visit
What is Human Stereopsis Good For?