- NIH VideoCast - Quantitative Imaging Network Annual Meeting 2018 (Day 2)
- - NCI, NIH (2018/05/24)
- - Category : Conferences
- The QIN annual face-to-face meeting provides an opportunity for QIN Principal Investigators and research colleagues to meet and discuss their research endeavors and showcase their research findings through presentations, posters and demonstration sessions. This year???s QIN annual meeting theme is on translation and validation of QIN software tools & methods in clinical settings.
NIH VideoCast - Quantitative Imaging Network Annual Meeting 2018 (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - Robustness, Variability and Homeostasis in Neurons and Networks
- - Eve Marder, Ph.D., Brandeis University (2018/05/24)
- - Category : Neuroscience
- NIH Neuroscience Series Seminar
Dr. Marder studies the dynamics of small neuronal networks, and her work was instrumental in demonstrating that neuronal circuits are not ???hard-wired??? but can be reconfigured by neuromodulatory neurons and substances to produce a variety of outputs. For more than 20 years Marder???s lab has combined experimental work with insights from modeling and theoretical studies. Her lab pioneered studies of homeostatic regulation of intrinsic membrane properties, and stimulated work on the mechanisms by which brains remain stable while allowing for change during development and learning. Dr. Marder is now studying the extent to which similar network performance can arise from different sets of underlying network parameters, opening up rigorous studies of the variations in individual brains of normal healthy animals.
For more information go to https://neuroscience.nih.gov/neuroseries/Home.aspx
NIH VideoCast - Robustness, Variability and Homeostasis in Neurons and Networks
- NIH VideoCast - The 2nd Annual Saunders-Watkins Memorial Lecture - Uniting the Vision for Health Equity through Partnerships
- - Eliseo J. P??rez-Stable, M.D., Director, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, NIH (2018/05/24)
- - Category : Special
- The Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS), a part of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), fosters and supports an integrated portfolio of late-stage T4 translation research, implementation science, and related research training in heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) disorders. CTRIS serves as a strategic focal point at NHLBI to identify optimal research strategies for the delivery of evidence-based interventions which, when scaled up, will improve population level health for all and reduce related health inequities. An important part of the CTRIS mission is the commitment to research training, mentoring, and career development, especially for early-stage investigators.
NHLBI/CTRIS is hosting the Saunders-Watkins Leadership Workshop for early career investigators (both clinical and research) pursuing implementation research focused on heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) disease topics. This two-day workshop will take place on May 22nd - 23rd on the main campus of the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, and the workshop???s theme is ???Partnering for Health Equity???. Activities from this workshop will provide guidance and mentorship to early-stage investigators and facilitate career success in HLBS implementation research focused on health equity. The workshop will feature research presentations from experts in implementation science (IS) and health equity (HE), as well as include the 2nd annual Saunders-Watkins Memorial Lecture. The 2018 Memorial Lecture will be given by Dr. Eliseo J. P??rez-Stable, M.D., the Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
NIH VideoCast - The 2nd Annual Saunders-Watkins Memorial Lecture - Uniting the Vision for Health Equity through Partnerships
- NIH VideoCast - 1) Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Evolution in Understanding, Revolution in Therapy and 2) Minimizing the Scourge of Graft-Versus-Host Disease with Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide
- - 1) Ronald Gress, MD, Chief, Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, NCI, NIH 2) Christopher G. Kanakry, MD, Assistant Clinical Investigator, Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch, NCI, NIH (2018/05/24)
- - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- 1) Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Evolution in Understanding, Revolution in Therapy and 2) Minimizing the Scourge of Graft-Versus-Host Disease with Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide
For more information go to https://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news.html
NIH VideoCast - 1) Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Evolution in Understanding, Revolution in Therapy and 2) Minimizing the Scourge of Graft-Versus-Host Disease with Post-Transplantation Cyclophosphamide
- NIH VideoCast - Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Therapeutic A vs. B Interventions Workshop
- - NIH Healthcare Systems Research Collaboratory (2018/05/23)
- - Category : Conferences
- This one-day Workshop will explore challenges and strategies for planning and implementing embedded pragmatic clinical trials (PCT) that compare two or more therapeutic medical regimens. Pragmatic trials differ from traditional clinical trials, as they test interventions or practices delivered in real-world settings. If conducted within integrated health care systems, embedded PCT can leverage existing infrastructure to answer important clinical questions in a cost-effective manner. They can also bridge the critical gap between clinical evidence, practice and policy in health care delivery.
The NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory, an NIH Common Fund initiative, has launched a set of PCT in partnership with several US health care systems. These trials have served as case studies for addressing challenges of pragmatic research; and the program has developed an extensive set of methods and best practices for embedded PCT. There is considerable interest, however, in expanding the interventions tested within the Collaboratory, specifically for developing additional tools and strategies that test distinct therapeutic medical interventions ??? A vs. B trials.
The Workshop will include a series of moderated discussions of opportunities and approaches for partnering with health care systems, and other stakeholders, to conduct embedded A vs. B trials. Ongoing A vs. B trials in the US will be presented as potential models for future studies. In view of the diversity of health care systems and delivery in the US, different design and analytic strategies for these trials will also be presented. As regulatory oversight of the clinical research enterprise is an essential component of PCT planning and implementation, the Workshop will also discuss regulatory aspects, including ethical oversight, of trials that test such interventions. The Workshop aims to inform stakeholders on progress in pragmatic A vs. B trials, and to explore strategies for expanding future research opportunities.
For more information, visit
NIH VideoCast - Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials of Therapeutic A vs. B Interventions Workshop
- NIH VideoCast - Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN) Joint Advisory Council Meeting - May 2018
- - NIAAA, NIDA and NCI (2018/05/23)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
- CRAN is the joint National Advisory Council of NIAAA, NIDA and NCI Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH initiative to integrate resources and expertise to advance substance use, abuse, and addiction research and public health outcomes.
NIH VideoCast - Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN) Joint Advisory Council Meeting - May 2018
- NIH VideoCast - State of the Science Inhibitors Workshop: Factor VIII Inhibitors: Generating a National Blueprint for Future Research (Day 2)
- - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH (2018/05/23)
- - Category : Conferences
- The NHLBI State of the Science (SOS) Workshop will be held on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland on May 15 and 16, 2018. The goal of this workshop is to solicit input from all constituencies within the U.S. hemophilia community, as well as international collaborators, into the development of a coordinated and collaborative national blueprint for future, basic, translational, and clinical research focused on factor VIII (FVIII) immunogenicity and FVIII inhibitor prevention and eradication.
NIH VideoCast - State of the Science Inhibitors Workshop: Factor VIII Inhibitors: Generating a National Blueprint for Future Research (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - Quantitative Imaging Network Annual Meeting 2018 (Day 1)
- - NCI, NIH (2018/05/23)
- - Category : Conferences
- The QIN annual face-to-face meeting provides an opportunity for QIN Principal Investigators and research colleagues to meet and discuss their research endeavors and showcase their research findings through presentations, posters and demonstration sessions. This year???s QIN annual meeting theme is on translation and validation of QIN software tools & methods in clinical settings.
NIH VideoCast - Quantitative Imaging Network Annual Meeting 2018 (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - NIH Council of Councils - May 2018
- - NIH (2018/05/23)
- - Category : Council of Councils
- The NIH Council of Councils advises the NIH Director on on the policies and activities of the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives (DPCPSI) in the Office of the Director, NIH. The Council also carries out concept clearance for grant programs proposed by the DPCPSI Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) and the NIH Common Fund, and conducts second-level review of proposed ORIP grant awards, awards for the Common Fund Transformative Research Award and Early Independence Award Programs, and awards for the Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes and All of Us Research Programs.
For more information go to https://dpcpsi.nih.gov/council/index
NIH VideoCast - NIH Council of Councils - May 2018
- NIH VideoCast - Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women (Day 2)
- - NICHD, NIH (2018/05/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- The Task Force is charged with providing advice and guidance to the HHS Secretary on federal activities related to identifying and addressing gaps in knowledge and research on safe and effective therapies for pregnant women and lactating women, including the development of such therapies and the collaboration on and coordination of such activities.
For more information go to https://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/meetings/2018/051418
NIH VideoCast - Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - State of the Science Inhibitors Workshop: Factor VIII Inhibitors: Generating a National Blueprint for Future Research (Day 1)
- - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH (2018/05/22)
- - Category : Conferences
- The NHLBI State of the Science (SOS) Workshop will solicit input from all constituencies within the U.S. hemophilia community, as well as international collaborators, into the development of a coordinated and collaborative national blueprint for future, basic, translational, and clinical research focused on factor VIII (FVIII) immunogenicity and FVIII inhibitor prevention and eradication.
NIH VideoCast - State of the Science Inhibitors Workshop: Factor VIII Inhibitors: Generating a National Blueprint for Future Research (Day 1)
- NIH VideoCast - Taking Women???s Health to Heart: An Afternoon with Barbra Streisand
- - Barbra Streisand (2018/05/22)
- - Category : WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- J. Edward Rall Cultural Lecture
NIH has the honor of hosting world-renowned recording artist, actress, director and philanthropist Ms. Barbra Streisand for the Annual J. Edward Rall Cultural Lecture
Her presentation, "Taking Women???s Health to Heart: An Afternoon with Barbra Streisand," will consist of opening remarks by Ms. Streisand and then move to a conversation between Ms. Streisand and NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins. Topics will include Ms. Streisand`s advocacy for including women in medical research and her role as the co-founder of the Women`s Heart Alliance.
The annual cultural lecture (part of the Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series) honors the memory of J. Edward Rall, founder of the Clinical Endocrinology Branch (now within NIDDK) and the first Deputy Director for Intramural Research. He recommended in 1984 that NIH add a cultural lecture to its Director`s Lecture series.
NIH VideoCast - Taking Women???s Health to Heart: An Afternoon with Barbra Streisand
- NIH VideoCast - Asian American Cancer Health Disparities: Updates and Innovations
- - Tung Nguyen, MD, Stephen J. McPhee, MD Endowed Chair in General Internal Medicine Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco (2018/05/22)
- - Category : Health Disparities
- NIMHD Director`s Seminar Series
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities is pleased to welcome Tung Nguyen, MD as the next NIMHD Director???s Seminar Series speaker.
The objectives of Dr. Nguyen???s presentation will include:
Know about the incidence and mortality rates of cancer among Asian Americans
Know about cancer prevention and early detection behaviors and practices among Asian Americans
Learn about recent innovative interventions to address cancer prevention and early detection among Asian Americans
Dr. Nguyen is the Director of the Asian American Research Center on Health (ARCH) which has over 40 individual and organizational members dedicated to improving the health of Asian Americans. He is also the Co-Director of the UCSF Multi-Ethnic Health Equity Center (MERC), UCSF Dean???s Diversity Leader and formerly a Principal Investigator of the Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness, Research, and Training (AANCART) a National Center funded by the National Cancer Institute to address cancer disparities from 2000 to 2016. Through these roles, Dr. Nguyen has addressed health disparities through research, training, and community outreach. At the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, Dr. Nguyen is the Program Co-Leader of the Cancer Control Program and a Steering Committee member of the San Francisco Cancer Initiative, an innovative effort to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality across an entire city. He leads the SF-CAN???s Liver Cancer Task Force and served as a Commissioner on President Barak Obama???s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders from 2011 to 2014 and as the Chair of the Commission from 2014 to 2017.
NIH VideoCast - Asian American Cancer Health Disparities: Updates and Innovations
- NIH VideoCast - NIMH Advisory Council Meeting - May 2018
- - NIMH, NIH (2018/05/22)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
- National Advisory Mental health Council Open Policy Session
NIH VideoCast - NIMH Advisory Council Meeting - May 2018
- NIH VideoCast - Anita Roberts Lecture: Specializations for decision making in primate prefrontal cortex
- - Elisabeth Murray, Ph.D., Chief, Section on Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, NIMH, NIH (2018/05/22)
- - Category : Anita B. Roberts - Distinguished Women Scientists
- Women Scientist Advisors Anita Roberts Lecture
Specializations for decision making in primate prefrontal cortex Some of the most sophisticated behaviors of primates, including humans, depend on the granular prefrontal cortex (PFC), yet there are few well defined and experimentally verified functional specializations within the primate PFC, especially at a causal level. Recent work from our laboratory has demonstrated contrasting specializations of the ventrolateral PFC (VLPFC) and the orbital PFC (also known as orbitofrontal cortex, OFC). We found that the OFC and the VLPFC play complementary roles in updating representations of value (i.e., valuations) that underlie decision making. Valuations represented in or accessed by the OFC depend on the dynamic internal state of an individual, what an object or action is worth at any given time based on current biological needs; valuations represented in or accessed by the VLPFC depend on dynamic external contingencies. In other words, the OFC updates valuations based on reward desirability whereas the VLPFC updates valuations based on reward availability. Additional studies have identified distinct functional subdivisions within the OFC. Its posterior part (area 13) is necessary for updating the valuations of objects and actions, while its anterior part (area 11) translates these valuations into choices and actions. According to comparative neuroanatomy, the granular parts of OFC and all of the VLPFC emerged during the evolution of primates, and it seems likely that their valuation-updating specializations elaborated on related functions performed by the agranular orbitofrontal areas that all mammals share.
NIH VideoCast - Anita Roberts Lecture: Specializations for decision making in primate prefrontal cortex
- NIH VideoCast - Mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis and targeting opportunities
- - Li Yang, Ph.D, Senior Investigator, Head, Tumor Microenvironment Section, CCR, NCI, NIH (2018/05/22)
- - Category : NIH Director`s Seminars
- Director`s Seminar Series
Cancer metastasis is the primary cause of cancer-associated death. Current treatment strategies have been largely ineffective in patients with metastatic disease. It???s becoming clear that the tumor microenvironment plays an essential role in the metastatic process. We investigate the critical inflammatory and immune suppressive mediators that promote metastatic cancer cell survival and colonization at distant organ site. Our work provides insights for metastatic biology and therapeutic options aimed at targeting metastatic breast cancer.
NIH VideoCast - Mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis and targeting opportunities
- NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities - May 2018
- - NIMHD, NIH (2018/05/18)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
- 48th Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities - May 2018
- NIH VideoCast - DNA Repair Interest Group - Repair-resistant Aristolochic acid-derived DNA adducts
- - Dr. Thomas Rosenquist, Stony Brook University (2018/05/18)
- - Category : DNA Repair
- DNA Repair Interest Group videoconference
Acrobat Slides
NIH VideoCast - DNA Repair Interest Group - Repair-resistant Aristolochic acid-derived DNA adducts
- NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Board for Medical Rehabilitation Research (Day 2)
- - National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (2018/05/17)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
- The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director was mandated in P.L. 101-613 to establish the National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research (NABMRR). The Board advises the Directors of NIH, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), and the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research (NCMRR) on matters and policies relating to NCMRR`s programs. The Board comprises 12 members representing health and scientific disciplines related to medical rehabilitation and 6 members representing persons with disabilities.
For more information go to https://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/advisory/nabmrr
NIH VideoCast - National Advisory Board for Medical Rehabilitation Research (Day 2)
- NIH VideoCast - NLM Board of Regents Meeting - May 2018 (Day 1)
- - NLM, NIH (2018/05/17)
- - Category : Advisory Board Meetings and Workshops
- NLM Advisory Council Meeting
For more information go to https://www.nlm.nih.gov/od/bor/bor.html
NIH VideoCast - NLM Board of Regents Meeting - May 2018 (Day 1)