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공부를 하던중 지진의 Q factor에 대한 내용을 잘 모르겠어서 이렇게 글을 올립니다.
Q factor에 대한 설명과 구하는 방법, 지진파의 attenuation, 그리고 지진의 free oscillation등에 대한 자료를 부탁드립니다.
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각 분야 한인연구자와 현업 전문가분들의 답변을 기다립니다.
답변 1
김은정님의 답변
2000-05-03- 0
검색된 자료들은 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 검색된 자료들입니다. 원하시는 자료는 웹상에서 다운로드가 가능합니다. 아래의 자료는 Q-factor에 관련된 자료입니다. * SEISMIC DIAGNOSIS FOR REHABILITATION AND UPGRADING OF STEEL GYMNASIUMS, Ohi K, Takanashi K, Engineering Structures , V.20 N.4-6 , , 19980401 초록 In this paper we describe an improvement of an existing method of seismic diagnosis for steel gymnasiums used in Japan, This improvement is made so that the results of diagnosis match the actual seismic damage of steel educational facilities (mostly gymnasiums) caused by the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, which occurred on 17 January 1995. The strategies for rehabilitation and upgrading including decision making as to which structure, where in the structure and how much to improve, are determined in consideration of the results of seismic diagnosis for the present (or damaged) state as well as the retrofitted state of the structure, In this paper, seismic performance indices are calculated for the pre-damaged state of the educational facilities by use of the existing seismic diagnosis method and compared with the actual damage observed, An index of seismic performance should have strong negative correlation with the damage level observed in the facilities after severe earthquakes. The index used herein is calculated from two other indices, one for load carrying capacity and one for deformability. The latter index is similar in its role to the R-factor in the US and the q-factor in the European seismic regulations. By revising the manner of calculation of the deformability index only, the correlation between the seismic performance index and the damage level has been much improved. * VERIFICATION OF SEISMIC RESISTANCE OF CONFINED MASONRY BUILDINGS , Tomazevic M, Klemenc I, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics , V.26 N.10 , , 19971001 초록 Two models of a typical confined masonry building, which conforms to the requirements of Eurocode 8 for simple buildings, have been tested on a shaking-table. Model test results indicate that prototypes of the tested type and size will be able to withstand, with moderate damage to the walls, strong earthquakes with peak ground acceleration 0.8g, and will not collapse when subjected to repeated shaking with PGA more than 1.3g. Taking into consideration the observed predominant first vibration mode shape and shear-beam-type shape of vibration, a rational method for seismic resistance verification of confined masonry structures has been proposed, modelling the confined masonry shear walls as frames. Good correlation between experimental and calculated envelopes has been obtained, indicating the validity of the proposed method. The measured response of the models has also been used to analyse the value of behaviour factor q proposed by EC 8 for confined masonry structures. 아래는 지진파의 attenuation에 관련된 자료입니다. 1. Fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core Nature ,V.404 N.6775 ,2000 -03 -16 2. Empirical model for estimating Fourier amplitude spectra of ground acceleration in Taiwan region Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,V.29 N.3 ,2000 -03 -01 3. Elasticity and rheology of iron above 220 GPa and the nature of the Earth's inner core Nature ,V.396 N.6713 ,1998 -12 -31 4. Two-dimensional elastic bandgap crystal to attenuate surface waves Journal of Lightwave Technology ,V.17 N.11 ,1999 -11 -01 5. The lattice solid model to simulate the physics of rocks and earthquakes: Incorporation of friction Journal of Computational Physics ,V.150 N.2 ,1999 -04 -10 6. MEASUREMENTS OF ELECTRIC ANISOTROPY DUE TO SOLIDIFICATION TEXTURING AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EARTHS INNER CORE Nature ,V.389 N.6646 ,1997 -09 -04 7. MECHANICAL FILTERS FOR THE GRAVITATIONAL WAVES DETECTOR VIRGO - PERFORMANCE OF A TWO-STAGE SUSPENSION Review of Scientific Instruments ,V.68 N.10 ,1997 -10 -01 8. SEISMIC VIBRATIONS MECHANICAL FILTERS FOR THE GRAVITATIONAL WAVES DETECTOR VIRGO Review of Scientific Instruments ,V.67 N.8 ,1996 -08 -01 9. ALL-OPTICAL EXCITATION AND DETECTION OF LEAKY RAYLEIGH WAVES Optics Letters ,V.22 N.2 ,1997 -01 -15 10. ATTENUATION DISPERSION OF LOVE WAVES IN A TWO-LAYERED HALF SPACE Wave Motion ,V.22 N.4 ,1995 -12 -01 11. Active Control of Suspensions for a Gravitational Wave Detector Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications , ,1997 -10 -05 12. Empirical model for estimating Fourier amplitude spectra of ground acceleration in Taiwan region Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,V.29 N.3 ,2000 -03 -01 13. The lattice solid model to simulate the physics of rocks and earthquakes: Incorporation of friction Journal of Computational Physics ,V.150 N.2 ,1999 -04 -10 14. HORIZONTAL-TO-VERTICAL SPECTRUM RATIO OF EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION FOR SITE CHARACTERIZATION Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,V.26 N.7 ,1997 -07 -01 15. A SIMPLIFIED METHOD FOR PREDICTION OF KINEMATIC SOIL-FOUNDATION INTERACTION EFFECTS ON PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION OF A RIGID FOUNDATION Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,V.25 N.8 ,1996 -08 -01 아래의 자료는 지진의 free oscillation에 관련된 자료입니다. * EARTHS BACKGROUND FREE OSCILLATIONS, Suda N, Nawa K, Fukao Y, Science , V.279 N.5359 , , 19980330 초록 Earth's free oscillations were considered to be transient phenomena occurring after large earthquakes. An analysis of records of the IDA (International Deployment of Accelerometers) gravimeter network shows that Earth is freely oscillating at an observable level even in seismically inactive periods. The observed oscillations are the fundamental spheroidal modes at frequencies between 2 and 7 millihertz. Numerical modeling indicates that these incessant excitations cannot be explained by stacked effects of a large number of small earthquakes. The observed ''background'' free oscillations represent some unknown dynamic process of Earth. * Resonant oscillations between the solid Earth and the atmosphere, Science ,V.287 N.5461 ,2000 -03 -24 * On the optimality criterion in structural control, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ,V.29 N.2 ,2000 -02 -01 * Limits on differential rotation of the inner core from an analysis of the Earth's free oscillations, Nature ,V.402 N.6757 ,1999 -11 -04 * An Efficient Liquid Sloshing Damper for Vibration Control Proceedings of the Eighth(1998) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference - Volume 3 ,V.3 ,1998 -05 -04 >안녕하세요... > >저는 지진에 대해서 공부하고 있는 학생입니다. > >공부를 하던중 지진의 Q factor에 대한 내용을 잘 모르겠어서 이렇게 글을 올립니다. > >Q factor에 대한 설명과 구하는 방법, 지진파의 attenuation, 그리고 지진의 free oscillation등에 대한 자료를 부탁드립니다. > >저에게 많은 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다... >