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답변 2
박태현님의 답변
2000-06-20- 0
구조물의 용접설계에 관련된 책자로는 "Steel Structures",charles G. Salmin& Jon E. Jonson을 추천하고 싶고요. 기타 설계코드는 각 지역별로 다른데, 우선 미국쪽의 Code는 AASHITO code, Europ엔 독일의 DIN Code와 EURO Code가 있습니다. 우리나라의 시방서에도 간략하게나롸있는걸로 알고있습니다. Journal of constructional steel research에도 맣은 보고서가 실려있습니다. -
김은정님의 답변
2000-06-20- 0
아래의 자료들은 산업기술정보원(KINITI)의 영문 DB를 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 원하시는 자료는 http://www.kiniti.re.kr을 통해 원문신청이 가능합니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다. * STRUCTURAL WELDING CODE - STEEL, Anon, American National Standards Institute, Standards, 245p, 1980 Abstract : This code covers welding requirements applicable to any type of welded structure. It is to be used in conjunction with any complementary code or specification for the design and construction of steel structures. It is not intended to apply to pressure vessels or pressure piping. * DESIGN ANALYSIS DOUBTS STRENGTH OF RECENT BRIDGES., Birchall, Jonathan; Heywood, Peter;, ENR (Engineering News-Record) v 218 n 22, p 22-24, 1987 TR: A; Abstract : A series of 1970 box girder collapses set in motion a fundamental review of design methods in Britain that has now caught up with the Severn Bridge. At first, the review focused on the design of box girders and the strengthening of existing structures, including the welding of extra plates into Severn's box girders. Much of the analysis was carried out by Anthony Flint, then a researcher at London's Imperial College of Science and Technology, who played a major part in incorporating the same analysis methods into a new design code for UK bridges. Under the new code, designers have switched from keeping stresses below given levels to identifying a 'limit state' at which a structure will collapse or become unserviceable. The calculations incorporate 'partial factors,' which allow for uncertainties in loading or material strengths. But traffic or wind loads are more difficult to predict, so they are multiplied by a much higher factor. In contrast, past design methods generally applied a single factor of safety to the entire structure once an overall design load was determined, an averaging process that does not always reflect the reliability of the structure's individual components. * FAILURE AVOIDANCE IN WELDED FABRICATION., Pense, A. W., Abstracts of Papers Presented at 1987 AWS Convention: 68th American Welding Society Annual Meeting and 18th International AWS Brazing Conference., p 64-65, 1987 Abstract : The best approach to failure avoidance is good planning in advance, starting with the design of the structure and design of the welded joints. Experience has shown that a significant number of weld associated failures in liveloaded structures, from bridges to busses, have occurred at welded details which were not properly located with respect to fatigue stresses. The second step in failure avoidance is good adherence to the code and common sense requirements of fabrication. Preheat, postheat, cleanliness, operator skill level and other such requirements need to be scrupulously observed. These are not desirable goals but minimum performance standards, and must be treated that way. * NDT CODE AND STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS., Viaclovsky, S. A., Abstracts of Papers Presented at 1987 AWS Convention: 68th American Welding Society Annual Meeting and 18th International AWS Brazing Conference., p 161, 1987 Abstract : The prime emphasis of this talk is on the AWS and ASME Codes as they pertain to welded components. Factors discussed in this presentation include weld design, accessibility, materials, drawing details, training, and attitude. These factors must be considered to provide for optimum inspectability when using these codes. Some actual problems encountered are highlighted. It is of key importance that the Engineer properly specify the nondestructive test or tests that provide the best method in the detection of discontinuities that are detrimental to the structure or component. The ASME has better definition of the nondestructive tests required for a specific application, but it is important that a nondestructive testing engineer or specialist verify the adequacy of the test program. * Fatigue performance of welded aluminum deck structures, Haagensen, P.J.; Ranes, M.; Kluken, A.O.; Kvale, I.;, Proceedings of the 1996 15th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Part 3 (of 6) Materials Engineering Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE v 3, p 505-512, 1996 Abstract : Aluminum alloys are used increasingly in load carrying structures where low weight and low maintenance costs are at a premium. Helicopter decks, structures for living quarters and personnel transfer bridges between platforms are examples of offshore applications. While these structures are not usually subjected to high fatigue loads, the increasing use of aluminum in high speed ships, and more recently in highway bridge structures, makes the question of fatigue performance more important. In this paper the fatigue properties of small scale weldments in an AA6005 alloy are compared with the results of fatigue tests on full scale sections of welded extrusions in the same material, which were used in an aluminum bridge deck structure. The fatigue performance is also compared with the fatigue clauses in the new British design code BS 8118 for aluminium structures and the proposed Eurocode 9. The prospects of using a new joining technique, friction stir welding (FSW), in the production of large scale panels for deck and ship hull structures is discussed. The FSW process is described briefly, and some fatigue test data are presented. 아래의 자료들은 LG 상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 웹을 통해 원문 다운로드가 가능합니다. * LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE NORTHRIDGE EARTHQUAKE, Miller DK , Engineering Structures , V.20 N.4-6 , , 19980401 초록 The performance of welded connections in special moment resisting frames (SMRF) during the Northridge, California earthquake in January 1994 was influenced by many variables. The actual ground motions experienced by the buildings, the design details employed in the connections, material properties, fabrication workmanship and inspection practices. The evidences of workmanship-related problems were primarily the result of lack of conformance to the requirements specified in the AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1, Lack of emphasis on in-process visual inspection may have permitted questionable fabrication practices to go undetected. A fundamental expectation regarding the performance of the SMRF is that of 'ductility'. In concept, the seismic energies are to be absorbed by the formation of plastic hinges within the structure. The pre-Northridge connection detail is examined in light of quality, fracture and multi-directional stresses, and its relative performance regarding expectations of ductile behavior. Post-Northridge research specimens are examined with respect to the same factors, along with their relative level of ductile behavior. Details that enhance ductile behavior and the reasons that this behavior can be expected are presented. * CREEP BEHAVIOR OF A LARGE FULL-SIZE WELDED AUSTENITIC STEEL PLATE, Koundy V, Allais L, Delhaye M, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology-Transactions of the ASME , V.120 N.3 , 262-269 , 19980801 초록 The high-temperature design codes are presently considering the use of stress reduction factors for designing welded structures submitted to creep. These reduction factors are derived from creep tests which are generally made on small specimens and are nor necessarily representative of large-size geometries. These codes are very likely overconservative, consequently uneconomical and need to be improved; an investigation to assess and quantify the supposed size effect is required. This paper presents an experimental and numerical study on creep behavior at 600 degrees C of full-size welded joints taking into account real full-thickness of weldings. The material investigated is the austenitic stainless steel 316L(N) with manual metal are welds using the 19 Cr 12 Ni 2 Mo electrode grade. The creep laws used in calculations are those obtained from tests using small specimens, but some coefficients of their theoretical formulation have been modified to obtain a better coherence with full-size specimen data. Between small and large full-size specimens, experimental results show no significant difference in time to rupture, and the same location of fracture, at the center of the weldment, is observed Finite element simulations performed for full-size welded joints provide rupture times that are consistent with measured values. The calculated percentage of the damaged volume in the weld metal as a function of load levels and of creep-time duration is studied; it shows that the creep-rupture times for high stress loading are determined with higher accuracy than for low stress loading. * STRENGTH PREDICTION CODES FOR BOLTED JOINTS IN COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, Naveen Rastogi, Ming Xie, Som R. Soni, Proceedings of the 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference and Exhibit and AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Forum - Part 2 , , 초록 Composite materials are used in variety of structural assemblies where joining of two or more components is imperative. Some of the joints are mechanical joints such as bolted and riveted connections. Others are fabricated by adhesive bonding, welding, brazing, and variety of other methods. In the last three decades, a number of computer codes have been developed to analyze the bolted joints in composite structures and predict the joint strength. In this paper the capabilities and limitations of these computer codes are outlined. Using some of the computer codes, the stress distribution in the hole region has been obtained and compared for a laminated plate with a circular hole in the center. This work is conducted as part of a larger effort currently underway at AdTech Systems Research, Inc. to establish a baseline to extend the joint design methodology for generalized composite systems including life prediction, thermal effects and dissimilar materials, and present the state-of-the-art approaches taken by the aerospace industry to design joints in composite structures. >welding에 관해서 자료가 필요합니다. >구조물의 용접에 관한 자료요... >design code도 좋고요...