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안녕하세요. LCD에 대해 공부중인 학생입니다.
color LCD용 color filter의 제조방법 중에서 전착법에 대해 알고 싶습니다. 전착 color filter의 재료와 프로세스 등과 미셀화제를 이용한 미셀전해 칼라필터에 대해 알고 싶습니다.
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2000-06-22- 0
아래의 자료들은 LG상남도서관(http://www.lg.or.kr)을 통해 검색된 LCD color filterd에 관한 자료들의 서명입니다. 원하시는 자료가 있으시면 웹상에서 직접 다운로드가 가능합니다. 1. A new projection exposure method using a liquid crystal display as a switching matrix in place of a reticle Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers ; V.39 N.1 ; PP:324-329 ; 2000 -01 -15 ; Horiuchi T, Miyakawa T, Hosoda S 2. LCD components obtained by patterning of chiral nematic polymer layers Journal of Materials Chemistry ; V.9 N.9 ; PP:2087-2094 ; 1999 -09 -01 ; van de Witte P, Brehmer M, Lub J 3. A new backlighting system using a polarizing light pipe IBM Journal of Research & Development ; V.42 N.3-4 ; PP:527-536 ; 1998 -05 -01 ; Tanase H, Mamiya J, Suzuki M 4. Evaluation of image quality of color liquid crystal displays by measuring modulation transfer function Optical Engineering ; V.38 N.10 ; PP:1671-1678 ; 1999 -10 -01 ; Kim TH, Lee YW, Cho HM, Lee IW 5. Fluorescent liquid crystal color display using a guest-host UV shutter and phosphor layers on the inside of the cell Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2-Letters ; V.38 N.6AB ; PP:L652-L654 ; 1999 -06 -15 ; Yamaguchi R, Kishida J, Ugai Y, Izumi T, Sato S 6. DESIGN METHOD OF DICHROIC FILTER USING COLOR APPEARANCE MODEL IN LCD PROJECTION SYSTEMS Optical Engineering ; V.37 N.11 ; 1998 -11 -01 ; JEE-HONG KIM 7. COLOR FILTERS WITH NEGATIVE BIREFRINGENCE FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY USE Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers ; V.36 N.10 ; 1997 -10 -01 ; Shao XB, Li BZ, Wu Y, Yuan JF, He TB, Huang XM 8. PHASE VOLUME HOLOGRAPHIC OPTICAL COMPONENTS FOR HIGH-BRIGHTNESS SINGLE-LCD PROJECTORS Applied Optics ; V.36 N.20 ; 1997 -07 -10 ; Joubert C, Loiseaux B, Delboulbe A, Huignard JP 9. LOW-RESISTIVITY ITO FILMS BY DC ARC DISCHARGE ION PLATING FOR HIGH DUTY LCDS Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids ; V.218 ; 1997 -09 -15 ; Suzuki Y, Niino F, Katoh K 10. Development and industrialization of LCD Color Filters By Electrodeposition Method Nippon Kagaku Kaishi - Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan ; 1996 N.1 ; 1996 -01 -01 ; Tameyuki SUZUKI, Chiseki YOSHIKAWA, Tsutomu WATANABE, Satoshi WAKESHIMA 11. VISUAL INSPECTION TECHNIQUES FOR THE SURFACE OF LCDS AND DISKS Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering ; V.61 N.5 ; 1995 -05 -05 ; MITSUYOSHI KOIZUMI 12. Diffractive color separation filter for high-efficiency LCD panels Proceedings of the Flat Panel Display Technology and Display Metrology ; V.3636 ; PP:48-59 ; 1999 -01 -27 ; P. S. Erbach, G. T. Borek, D. R. Brown, T. V. Gunn 13. Effects of chemicaldose in increasing the output and system efficacy of short arc metal halide lamps Proceedings of the Projection Displays V ; V.3634 ; PP:34-42 ; 1999 -01 -26 ; C. N. Stewart, T. D. Russell, D. M. Rutan 14. Design of Cushion Layer which Enables "TRANSFER" System to Laminate with High Speed Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:315-318 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; S. Fujikura, Y. Goto, T. Masuda, M. Iwasaki 15. LCD Components obtained by Patterning of Chiral Nematic Layers Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:303-306 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; Peter van de Witte, Martin Brehmer, Johan Lub 16. Color Filters for Reflective LCDs Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:287-290 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; M. Tani 17. Photoluminescent liquid crystal displays - Recent developments and trends in Europe - Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:235-238 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; D. J. Broer, R. van Asselt, R. A. W. van Rooij, C. M. R. de Witz 18. Color PH-LCD Using STN Mode Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:221-224 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; G.J.Heo, D.H.Park, J.Y.Jeong, J.W.Bae, C.W.Park, H.G.Yang 19. Improvement of Color Purity in Reflective Color STN-LCDs Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:217-220 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; S. Komura, O. Itou, K. Kuwabara, K. Funahata, K. Kondo, K. Kubo 20. Field sequential full color LCD without color filter by Using Fast Response LC Cell Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:151-154 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; Tatsuo Uchida 21. Color Matching in Reflective Guest-Host Liquid Crystal Displays Proceedings of the Fifth International Display Workshops ; PP:37-40 ; 1998 -12 -07 ; T. Uwano, H. Seki, T. Uchida 22. A Super-High-Image-Quality Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment LCD by New Rubbing-Less Technology Proceedings of 1998 SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers ; 1998 -05 -17 ; A.Takeda,S.Kataoka,T.Sasaki,H.Chida,H.Tsuda,K.Ohmuro,Y.Koike,T.Sasabayashi,K. Okamoto 23. Invited Paper:Materials and Components Optimization for IPS TFT-LCDs Proceedings of 1998 SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers ; 1998 -05 -17 ; K.Kondo,S.Matsuyama, N.Konishi,H.Kawakami 아래의 자료들은 산업기술정보원(KINITI)의 영문 DB를 통해 검색된 자료입니다. 원하시는 자료가 있으면 웹(http://www.kiniti.re.kr)을 통해 원문신청을 하시어 이용하시기 바랍니다. 1 COM2000215130597 New projection exposure method using a liquid crystal display as a switching matrix in place of a reticle 200021 2 COM2000125024226 Oriented polymer/metal nanocomposites: a new method for the production of polarization dependent color filters 200012 3 COM2000044939100 Simultaneous control of particle contamination and VOC pollution under different operating conditions of a mini-environment that contains a coating process 200004 4 COM1999444793029 Fluorescent liquid crystal color display using a guest-host UV shutter and phosphor layers on the inside of the cell 199944 5 COM1999444789690 Effects of chemical dose in increasing the output and system efficacy of short arc metal halide lamps 199944 6 COM1999324703649 Diffractive color separation filter for high efficiency LCD panels 199932 7 COM1998404331304 New backlighting system using a polarizing light pipe 199840 8 COM1998294223988 Cholesteric band modulation filter LCD-imagers 199829 9 COM1998294223982 Testing the AM LCD matrix with an electron beam 199829 10 COM1998063963191 Flat liquid crystal projectors with integrated cholesteric color filters/polarizers and photo-aligned optical retarders 199806 11 COM1998063963153 Development of color filters by pigment ink jet printing. II: Production technology 199806 12 COM1998063963145 Field sequential full color LCD without color filter for AM-LCD 199806 13 COM1997403778026 Phase volume holographic optical components for high-brightness single-LCD projectors 199740 14 COM1997183565238 Cr/Cr compound bilayered thin film black matrix for LCD color filter 199718 15 COM1996373156576 Dispersive holographic microlens matrix for single-LCD projection 199637 16 COM1995112529920 Surface analysis of LCD materials in various stages of production by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS) 199511 17 COM1995112529791 Hybrid inspection system for LCD color filter panels 199511 18 COM1994101367408 High-resolution 17 cm (6.5 inch) VGA, 26 cm (10.4 inch) XGA TFT color LCD modules 199410 19 COM1994071317584 Visuel de casque pour simulateur 199407 20 COM1994061218490 1 inch high resolution field sequential display for head mounted applications 199406 21 COM1992060463200 Self-alignment fabrication of the ITO electrode pattern on an elecrodeposited tricolor filter in a black matrix. An application to STN-LCDs 199206 22 COM1992060463196 Novel multicolor LCD without a color filter 199206 23 COM1992050398813 Development of color STN LCD for automotive information display 199205 24 COM1991120329955 Color filter fabrication technology for LCDs 199112 25 COM1991090241178 Development of color STN LCD for automotive information display 199109 26 COM1991040108525 A novel large area color LCD backlight system 199104 27 COM1990096040885 Multicolor LCD for automotive applications 199009 28 COM1990040424897 Helmet-mounted virtual environment display system 199004 29 COM1986080128388 LCD APPLICATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE USE. 198608 30 COM1986070104041 LARGE-AREA PROJECTION HAN-MODE MULTICOLOR TFT-ADDRESSED LCD. 198607 31 COM1986060021886 FLAT DISPLAYS: RECENT DEVELOPMENT AND POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS. 198606 32 COM1986010000524 MEHRFARBIGES GRAFISCHES LCD MIT GALVANISCH ABGESCHIEDENEN DREI-FARBEN-SCHICHTEN. 198601 33 COM1985100147684 MULTI-COLOR VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY UTILIZING AN EXTERNAL PRINTED FILTER. 198510 34 COM1985060081148 MULTI-COLOR VACUUM FLUORESCENT DISPLAY UTILIZING AN EXTERNAL PRINTED FILTER. 198506 >안녕하세요. LCD에 대해 공부중인 학생입니다. >color LCD용 color filter의 제조방법 중에서 전착법에 대해 알고 싶습니다. 전착 color filter의 재료와 프로세스 등과 미셀화제를 이용한 미셀전해 칼라필터에 대해 알고 싶습니다. > >감사합니다.