
bradford법에서 sds가 오차유발물질인데 그역할이 먼가요?

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  • bradford
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    장성재님의 답변

    저도 궁금했던 사항입니다만, Wiki에 아래와 같은 내용이 실려있네요. While other detergents interfere with the assay at high concentration, interference caused by SDS is of two different modes, and each occurred at a different concentration; for SDS concentration below critical micelle concentration (known as CMC, 0.00333%W/V to 0.0667%) in a coomassie dye solution, it tends to bind well with protein and pre-empting the protein binding sites for dye reagent, which caused an underestimation of protein concentration in solution. For SDS concentration above CMC, it associated strongly with the green form of coomassie dye, and causes the equilibrium to shift in producing more of the green form, which will increase the absorbance at 595nm independent of protein presence. 아래의 웹사이트를 참고하시길... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_protein_assay
    저도 궁금했던 사항입니다만, Wiki에 아래와 같은 내용이 실려있네요. While other detergents interfere with the assay at high concentration, interference caused by SDS is of two different modes, and each occurred at a different concentration; for SDS concentration below critical micelle concentration (known as CMC, 0.00333%W/V to 0.0667%) in a coomassie dye solution, it tends to bind well with protein and pre-empting the protein binding sites for dye reagent, which caused an underestimation of protein concentration in solution. For SDS concentration above CMC, it associated strongly with the green form of coomassie dye, and causes the equilibrium to shift in producing more of the green form, which will increase the absorbance at 595nm independent of protein presence. 아래의 웹사이트를 참고하시길... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_protein_assay
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